Chapter 28

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Drews POV:

I woke up late and only had about 20 minutes to get ready for school. In the middle of brushing my teeth I ordered a Uber and tied my hair into a messy bun.

I threw on a pair of jeans and a grey hoodie. Then sprinted out of my house with my back pack. I jumped into my Uber which had just pulled up.

"Good morning." The man in the front seat said.

"Morning ." I mumbled trying to avoid eye contact. It was too early in the morning to talk to new people.

"Drew right?" The stranger asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Mmmhmmm" I said looking at my phone. Hopefully he takes the hint.

"Why don't your parents take you to school?" He said.

I looked up at him. Why is he talking to me? He was a handsome man. He couldn't be more than 30. He should definitely know social queues.

"Um I don't have any....." I looked at him questioningly.

He just nodded his head.

"No boyfriend to take you to school?" He said as we pulled onto the street the school was on.

"Not that it's any of your business SIR but I am a raging dyke and I'd appreciate if you stop asking me personal questions."

He smiled at me "feisty. I knew it." He stopped the car and I got out of the car quickly. I slammed the door and basically ran inside.

That was super fuckin creepy. What did he mean he knew I was feisty? When I got inside I went to my locker and saw Carli and Dani waiting for me there.

"Good morning! They just announced that there's a Assembly before class in the auditorium." Dani yawned at me.

"Morning. Thanks." I said putting my books in my locker then looking at Carli.

She looked like she was super stressed.

"What's up with you?" I directed at her.

"Nothing" she said quickly. "I just.... Well..... you'll see."

"We will see what?" I asked as we walked towards the auditorium.

"I can't tell you or you'll be an accomplice."

"What?" I asked but Carli just shook her head. I looked at Dani questioningly.

He shrugged.

We got into line to get into the door when someone poked my shoulder.

"Hey stranger." I turned around and saw Allison.


"What happened to you on thanksgiving. We were all super worried."

"Uh...... I walked home." I improvised.

"Jeez you must've been freezing."

"Yeah I don't know I was drunk as hell. Wanna sit with us?" I motioned towards Carli and Dani but realized it was only Dani.

"Where the fuck did the slut go?" I asked Dani.

He shrugged his shoulders again. "I didn't know I was on slut watch. I'm sure she will turn up."

I looked back at Alison and smiled.

"Yes I'll sit with you two." She smiled and grabbed my hand then followed me through the doors. We walked in and found our seats in the second row back from the stage. The teachers were all standing against the walls and I caught Olivias eyes for a brief moment. She had already been looking at me when I found hers. She looked at my hand enclosed in Alison's then quickly turned her eyes somewhere else.

Stripping for the English Teacher.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ