11. Choked.

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Parineet didn't sleep that night. The traumatic experience accompanied by exhaustion and lack of sleep took over her health the next day and she was lying in her bed with fever. Vikram rushed to his office after giving her medicines and instructed her to take rest. She didn't tell him that she talked to Neeti and even deleted the call log history before returning the phone to him.

"I'll file a complaint at the police station about your phone and yesterday's incident." Vikram had informed her and he gave her an extra mobile phone to use as he won't be home due to office.

As soon as Vikram left, tears streamed down Parineet's cheeks, she was inconsolable. She felt like a mess and home wrecker once again after months. She was not able to understand if she was feeling bad about the news that her best friend is pregnant or she was feeling bad about his ex husband having a child with her best friend? Ofcourse the latter one. Despite of trying so much, she isn't able to remove Rajeev from her life. In one way or another he still affects her badly. She never ever thought that one day would come when her best friend would give her such a happy news and she would seize to celebrate it. Parineet felt damaged from inside.
She began penning down this thing in her diary for Ayaan has told her to write down everything that makes her unhappy or miserable. She would tell him what happened, she decided. Only he can help her right now.
Neeti talked her for atleast fifteen minutes more because Parineet was getting choked with her tears on the call and couldn't fake her happy voice anymore. She feels pathetic of not being able to join her best friend in the celebration of the biggest news of her life right now.
It was one big reason she didn't want to tell Neeti anything. What she is feeling, suffering from, should not affect Neeti ever. This wrecked feeling of not being happy for your best friend, thinking idiotically about your friend's husband, seeing yourself in mirror as a homewrecker and going through a mental trauma, Neeti doesn't deserve all this.
Moving away from both of them atleast has filled their lives with happiness and has put an end to a constant game of hide and seek. And she? She is working on herself and probably she would free herself soon from this fiasco. These thoughts calm Parineet down. Most importantly Neeti's happiness is all that matters to her. She is not jealous of her, she's just affected by the fact that the child belongs to her ex husband. And this is enough for her to be in despair. Only she knows how much she wants to get rid of this feeling but at the same time can't help it either.

Neeti told her that the doctor informed her about her being one week pregnant, and how much elated Sanju is. She has been constantly nagging him to take her and let her meet his family members but he keeps on changing the topic. She also told Parineet how much she misses her, and often cries herself to sleep. Parineet's ignorance caused her a lot of pain and heartbreak all these months.

"I would tell Sanju that you called me. He would be so happy to hear this news."

"Neeti. I have been not alright since my divorce, hence I need some more time. I won't be able to call you or message you again..but I'll call you myself once I come out of this. I promise. Take care of your health."

Parineet had replied. The conversation turned out to be very painful for her. She somehow managed some words to spill to her best friend who takes their separation on her health and she doesn't want that. Specially when now Neeti is pregnant, Pari doesn't want her to think about her and get sad.
But she herself has to come out of this web of sorrow once and for all. Parineet took her pills that are part of her medication and therapy.
Neeti was very worried for Parineet but she somehow understood and agreed to her demands of not contacting her untill she herself makes a move.


"Hey hey hey!" Ayaan stopped a young female doctor in the middle of her way. She was the same doctor who teased him about his habit of smoking earlier. He was astound to see her in his hospital.

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