13. A Bipolar?

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Parineet was feeling fine. Light like a winged bird, who's out of cage, whose wings were once clipped for no reason. A prisoner out of shackles, in which she was tied for no crime. She never knew confiding everything, into Taran would be so simple and satisfying for her soul.
Certainly, she can't deny that Ayaan was the first outsider to know about her condition, her past and her secrets but it was a necessity for her to tell him all that, not her will. She had to, she never wanted it.
Though Ayaan is the reason, now she was more comfortable with herself, her skin and her agonising past, she was in awe of Taran's considerate behaviour towards her.
A doctor has to be a listener, to heal his patient, he does things without judging and questioning his patient's character or story.
But Taran is no more her doctor. He's her friend, a three day old friend who had all the rights to judge her, to think of her in whichever way his mind could, he is not bound to her by any duties or professionalism. But he did what she never expected out of anyone. Parineet always feared of letting out her truth to people. She didn't try to mingle up with sweet people of her society, her neighbours next doors because of her fears and insecurities. But Taran's words, his lent ears, his sound voice, his believe in her, has washed her with a sense of relief, security and assurance.
Before the phone call, she had decided to say a sorry and tell him to not force her into this friendship she has initiated. She didn't want him to expect something because she may let him down. Because she was so trapped by the baggage of her deeds and her past. But when he called up, she couldn't help but cry. She cried because she was almost close to lose the one friend she made in this city. She cried because she thought he was ignoring her and this feeling was eating her mental peace away. She couldn't control the raging emotions, the haywire sentiments and complex feelings she had for Taran at that moment. She saw him as the only friend, confidant she can't dare to lose. So bipolar of her? Huh. Though Ayaan didn't mention this disorder but she felt like one sufferer. 

Taran's words acted as a balm to her pain. He was only busy. He didn't ignore her. Just like Neeti. He reminds her of Neeti very closely nowadays.

The way she never ignored her, Taran assured her that he won't do it. Not only her, he never ignores any of his friends. That's how he is.
She was elated, relieved but guilt ridden because she is not like him. Parineet is avoiding Neeti since last four months and now she has told it on her face that she would not keep in touch.
Why? Because Neeti's pregnant with Rajeev's child.

Parineet sobbed a little more. Why she can't be strong like Taran? Why she can't forget and forgive everything? She knows it's too early for all this, since she is in the middle of the process. Healing and recovering from your past is not a quick process. It's the lengthiest one.  What if she gets lost? She had numerous questions in her mind at that time but Taran made it easier for her. It came naturally to her, to went out, to yell the truth to him.
And he was there for her, she could feel it. He was not making fun of her, judging her for her gross thoughts, instead he made her feel special, strong and sane.
Taran called her again the same evening.

"Hello Parineet!"

"Hey!" She replied in a timid voice. As usual.

"Are you fine champ?" He asked smilingly to boost her moral.

"I'm fine. And I am not a champion."

"C'mon I told you. You are one fighter. And you will win it."

"I hope so." Her answers were short and curt, but she meant her words. She really hopes that she comes out as a fighter and wins the battles life has thrown in her way.

"You know what. Girls are always more stronger than men. God has created them like that. Running a whole house, being the perfect mother, sister, wife to us as*holes is a task." She chuckled much to Taran's surprise and he smiled at her innocence.

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