22. Friends turned Lovers!

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Author's POV

While holding Pari close, such that no air can pass between them, Taran lost the track of time. His love overpowered his insecurities so madly that he hated himself but all he did was surrender. He didn't come into senses until his phone rang, making both of them come out of their moment of heat and passion. All flustered, and red, Taran excused himself to pick up his mother's call.

"Taran is dating Shikha. I am so happy for him." Ayaan's mother's words rang in Parineet's head as she was just about to confess her love for Taran. What was she about to do? Confess to him that she loves him when all he can do is date another girl? Parineet was skeptical about Taran and Shikha's relationship for he never seemed happy but tonight she got sure that Taran, also feels for her. He likes her and sees her more than a friend. But will it ever lead them somewhere? This tension needs to be tackled because it just keeps on pulling her into a mess.

If he can't talk to her about his feelings and wants to keep on dating Shikha then she can't play a third wheel.
She has done this before. Parineet still harbors a little amount of guilt for barging into the lives of Neeti and Rajeev. She was the third party in their budding relationship and now she can't do the same. It's Taran who should decide if he wants Shikha or her. Parineet mentally slapped herself for getting carried away. They were just stars after all, she thought.

She looked at the window sill of the car and she was all red. All the blood and heat had rushed up to her cheeks. It was not appropriate, if she considers the situation but a part of Parineet would not ever forget this magical night. It still somehow feels right. Taran came back, taking thoughtful steps towards her, a million emotions and confusion running and battling in his head with one another. Their eyes met again for a second and an awkwardness and tension grew between them folds, and they were back to square one. Taran wondered when did last he was true to her and behaved honestly. He doesn't even remember. All this while he was just escaping from her and his feelings by hiding behind his anger, his mother or Shikha. Love fucks up! It can make strangers, turn into soulmates and soulmates into strangers.

"Aye! Look at the shooting stars. Parineet." Taran called her, all of a sudden as his eyes fell on the sky.

"Gorgeous!" Parineet commented, in a fit to forget the unhandy feelings. 

"Make a wish!" Taran came and stood behind her. They both gazed at the shooting stars, and wished. When the stars disappeared, Parineet felt something hit her slightly. Or she hit something? She felt numb, her heart beat increased ten folds and goosebumps arose on her skin as Taran hid his face in the crook of her neck from behind after pulling her into him. Her head has hit his lips lightly then.

Taran whispered ever so gently "Shikha and I are not together anymore. I thought I should tell you." He chose to tell her the truth finally because he can't escape his desires anymore. He doesn't want to. With his hands on her shoulder, he softly nuzzled in, taking her by surprise as he brushed his lips on her sweet spot, he wasn't aware about.
Parineet took every ounce in her to stifle the moan which was then, well understood by him and he smiled. He sniffed on her smell, taking it all in which ran shudders down her spine. Her smell had always driven him crazy, and now it was all his. Parineet realized that she can't move, not that she wanted to but she felt overwhelmed on the realization that his hands had slowly held her waist and encircled it in a firm hold, she was dying to be in. She always dreamt about it, but she couldn't believe it was real.
Should she be happy about it?
Was it about time for her dream to become a reality? Was it actually happening?

"I can't believe it's happening either." Taran whispered in a deep husky voice which made her lose her breathe again. Can he read minds?

Gathering some courage, she turned, facing him, making him startled and blushed. The man who was doing sweet assaults to her a second back, was found embarrassed and red. Parineet couldn't help but smile. He made her feel so special and loved, he likes her and she was overjoyed  by the fact.

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