Chapter 3

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I was going to meet Enola, outside the hall where the ball was being held. It was being held by one of the lords who I'm somewhat familiar with.

I'm guessing he held the ball so his daughter could find some potential suitors. As a Lord myself, I was obliged to go but I made sure Enola would come with me.

I was wearing a black suit and tie. Might I mention, this was a masquerade ball. So I was wearing a matching black face mask as well.

It was around 8pm when my carriage reached the venue. There were dozens of carriages unloading ladies and men of all ages.

I stepped out of the carriage, thanking my driver. Everyone at the venue were wearing masks so finding Enola might be a bit of a struggle. I was searching through the crowd for her when I saw a lady in an all white dress staring at me.

I looked away thinking it was nothing, trying to find Enola when she caught my eye again. She was still staring, and to be honest, I was getting quite uncomfortable under her stare. She was staring at me like I was a tiny mouse and she was a large, dangerous cat ready to pounce. It was weird.

Just as I looked away a familiar brunette stepped in my eye view. Enola.

She was dressed in a black dress. She had her hair in her usual, messy curls. Her hair was put up in a semi updo. She was wearing a black mask as well. She had a stunning diamond necklace on with matching earrings. She looked really pretty and we just happened to be matching.

I felt my breath leave my body when I saw her in that stunning dress. She smiled at me glancing at my figure to see how I was dressed, and then I swear I could feel myself breathing again.

That's what she did to me. "You look so beautiful" I finally spoke up. She smiled even more "You don't look too bad yourself" she giggled as she responded.

I instantly smile back as she grabs my hand leading me towards the crowded door where everybody was trying to get in. Our interaction caused lots of heads to turn our way. People gasped and pointed at our intertwined hands as we walked into the venue.

I grabbed two dance cards for us and wrote each others names on the first and last dance section.

I gave her one as I stared at her mesmerizing beauty. In the corner of my eye I see the same lady in all white staring again.

But this time, this mysterious lady was glaring at us. Her nostrils were flared and her eyebrows were raised. She was looking at me and Enola very angrily, but I could see a hint of amusement in her eyes.

Feeling really awkward from the staring.
I guided Enola somewhere farther away from that weird, crazy lady.

The first dance was staring, so me and Enola took our places on the floor. I grabbed her waist and she placed her hand on my shoulder.

I still remember when I taught her to dance in that bathroom. We hadn't confessed our feelings then but I could feel them. Every time she looked into my eyes as we danced, it was so obvious she loved me. I was so stupid back then to think that she loved another man. She looks at me the same way I look at her.

The music began to play, breaking my thoughts so we started the dance.

Enola was staring at the ground while we danced as if she was thinking about something extremely important. "Is something wrong? I asked her. "No, it's nothing" she replied almost instantly as her head shot up in surprise.

She stared into my eyes as if she was trying to to persuade me into thinking there was nothing wrong. I was obviously not fooled. I know Enola inside out, I can tell very clearly when she's lying to me.

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