Chapter 32

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Fyi, it's still the same day (continuation of the skating date).


The cold prickled my skin as I tilted my head and gazed at the sky.

A lone star twinkled there, as the sky turned a darker shade of blue and the clouds started to darken blending into the night.

It was 6 and I can freely admit that I regret nothing as I stared back at the small fancy restaurant. The food tasted bland anyway and the atmosphere in there was so bleak and sophisticated, I could've hurled myself.

Not to mention the level of idiocy that pot bellied manager has. Fucking idiots roaming the Earth and contaminating the human race with their low as fuck IQ.

"How about some McDonald's huh? You seem like you can get food into your system after all that bickering and yelling in there." Adam offered his jacket and I shook my head as my knees quiver lightly at the cold.

Dammit, Mother Nature! Are you trying to freeze me to my death? It must be for yelling at that guy, though I can't see what I did wrong except for getting Adam and I kicked out and ruining his ideal perfect date with me.

Yeah, maybe I was a bitch for that last one.

Okay, I got us kicked out. There, I admitted it.

But he had it coming. He was an asshat. A grade-A asshat.

I sighed, rubbing the side of my face, sucking up my ego and turned to Adam.

"I'm sorry for getting us kicked out," I muttered at him and surprisingly, he laughed. As in full out, knee slapping, hunched body laugh.

I glared at him, "What?" I snapped. Didn't he know that it took a huge chunk of my ego to apologize? And now look at him, laughing like some retarded chimp.

"Sorry, it's just that- His face- Oh Lord-" I cracked a smile when he brought up the manager's flustered expression that was filled with rage and humiliation.

"Yeah, that was funny," I managed to choke out as I joined him.

So there we were, two blacklisted teenagers laughing in front of the restaurant they were kicked out of. We must have looked like hobos.

"Come on," he jerked his head as he gestured to the parking lot, still offering me his jacket which I politely declined.

It was cold as fuck and I won't let him freeze to death just because the cold was seeping in the material of my mini dress.

He wasn't heaving any of it though, as he slung his arm across my shoulder, settling his jacket on me and keeping his arm there. I smiled despite myself and murmured a small thank you.

We got in the car and he immediately blasted the heater on and I sighed in contentment.

The drive to McD's wan't long since it pretty much spreads all over town and there was one sitting right on the corner of the road.

Adam turned off the engine and got out of the car, not even giving me time to reach for the handle before opening my door for me and helped me out even when both of us knew I didn't need the help since it wasn't like I was wearing any heels anyways.

I accepted the offer though, just to make up for getting us kicked out of that restaurant and ruining his perfectly planned date.

Lucky for us, we didn't overdress but even if we did overdress, I don't think I would have find it in me to walk back to the car because honestly? My stomach's being a raging bitch. Almost as bitchy as Mother Nature is.

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