Chapter 46

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He rang the doorbell. My dad rang the doorbell. Someone get me out of here.

"Dad, let's not do this right now," I begged him while tugging the sleeve of his shirt but my mom squeezed my shoulder and stopped me from uttering another word.

"Nonsense sweetie, we need to offer them comfort. I mean we did go all through the trouble of preparing this fruit basket for them in a last moment's notice. We can't just leave, it would be rude for us to-"

My dear mother was cut off by the door being opened. Pio stood there, on his tip toes, trying to pry the door open and catch a glimpse on the strangers that were ringing the doorbell for the past 5 minutes.

At first, the little guy wasn't able to see me from where he stood behind the door. The only thing he saw was probably the intimidating stare of my dad who was having a hard time softening his features as to not frighten the boy into slamming the door in our faces.

My mother was quick to shove my father out of the way, offering Pio a motherly smile and crouching in front of the little guy.

"Hello, sweetie, what's your name?" I could see how Pio started fidgeting with the ends of his shirt, switching his gaze from my parents towards the floor once in a while, looking conflicted on letting my parents in or running inside screaming bloody murder and hollering for his family to protect him from stranger danger.

He looked so frightened that I felt kind of guilty when a giggle escaped my lips. Pio's attention immediately snapped to me as he craned his neck to take a look of who was laughing. I gave him a small smile and a wave.

"Hey, little guy," I said softly, crouching to hug him. He didn't even waste another minute to crash his small body into mine and crush me with his bone crushing hug.

"Casey!" I laughed, rising to stand properly while holding him in my arms and settling him on my hips. He started playing with my hair and when my mother's hand land on the small of his back and rubbed it slowly, he looked behind him only to bury his face in my shoulders, making me chuckle and my mom huff jokingly.

"Let's come in, shall we?" I ask him and he nodded silently, still not raising his head. I led the way in the house and was about to search for Adam in the garden when we bumped into him while passing through the kitchen.

"Pio, what's wrong?" He asked from inside the kitchen, not looking up from the food that was brewing. It looked something likes soup but I couldn't be sure.

"Adam, Adam! Look who's here!" Pio squealed as I gave him a big kiss on the cheek. What? Anyone wouldn't be able to help it! This is Pio we're talking about here!

Adam immediately raised his head from stirring the contents of the pot and met my eyes before he finally noticed my parents standing behind me. He cleared his throat and tried to straighten his shirt.

I instantly felt guilty by letting my parents come here with me. He certainly didn't need to deal with this after losing his mother. My mom didn't hesitate to jump in front of me and offer Adam an award winning smile while giving him the picnic basket that was now full with all sorts of fruits; including durian.

I know it's not exactly something that you would normally put in a basket to give to your daughter's boyfriend but who said anything about my parents' being normal.

I refrained from giving my forehead a good slap and cover my face in complete and utter embarrassment when my father finally got a good look at Adam.

"So, you're the boyfriend?" Adam looked confused as hell but answered him truthfully.

"Uh, yes sir."

My dad squinted foolishly, making him look like he's got something stuck in his eyes. "What fruit do you like?"

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