the prologue pt.2

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She was getting comfortable with the random men, her phone starts ringing as she pulls it out of her pocket there wasn't any caller ID it just said 'private number' on it

She got curious and answered the call, walking to the far side of the couch


"Hello? Hello?! It's this sakura!? Please tell its you!"

"Uh yeah it's sakura- wait who are you"?

"I-its me- dad! oh my god I heard what happened with you and mom- are you okay!? Are you safe!? Oh my! I'm so sorry I'll send some money into a card and send it to you! I am so sorry baby I would've never thought she would do that!"

She glanced at the guys and saw them looking at her worriedly

"I'm fine, but why do you care? You left me with her years ago and you decide to call me and ask if I'm safe? What kind of fucking father are you?"

"honey I am so sorry but I had to leave, that womsn is crazy! I'm so sorry I didn't take you with me, i wish I did, please forgive me and my actions!"

"i-i...I don't know dad..I mean you left to another state without me and stopped calling me years ago...i-..I guess I could take the money..but I'll think about forgiving you and all.."

"Thats fine with me, take your time and take care of yourself, and again I am so sorry"


"I'll send a card and an envelope with money to a guy I know in seoul but for now be safe okay?"

"mhm yeah.."

"do you have shelter? any food? If not I can send more money and buy you a house"

"Uh yeah- a random guy took me in-"

"WHAT!? why would you trust him!? honey you know what I said about strangers!"

"I'm fine, if he was hurting me I wouldn't have my phone right now, I told you I'm okay, don't worry"

"Okay good, call me from time to time okay? I'm sorry I stopped calling a few years ago, I got a new phone and I forgot your number"

"it's okay I guess and yeah"

"Alright I gotta go hun, i have a business meeting to attend, bye I love you"


She hung up and sighed deeply before plopping on the couch deeper, if it was even possible

"You okay? Who was that?" Jisung questioned

" was my dad" she answered

"I'm exhausted, I should get home, see ya tomorrow ji" chan
Announced with the others nodding in agreement

"Alright bye guys see you tomorrow I'm guessing" jisung replied

they all said their goodbyes leaving the two alone

"are you hungry?" He suddenly asked

"" she answered

She was lying, she was hungry but she hadn't ate in a while because of her disorder,
she was honestly scared of eating infront of people.

"are you sure?" He asked making sure

"uh- yeah.." she mumbled softly

"Okay, just making sure, but if you get hungry in the middle of the night, there's snacks in the fridge and in the pantry, ill be in my room if you need me" he explained smiling softly at her before walking upstairs to his room

she was just sitting on the island counter chairs scrolling through her camera roll looking at old pictures of her looking happy and healthy

She missed it, she honestly thought she would never be the same again

she stood up and decided to go to her new perspective room, and so she did

walking down the hallway she puts her finger on the wall as she walks towards the room

Once she reaches the door to her room she puts her hand on the knob and turns it and the door swings open revealing a beautifully modern room

she walks in and sits on the edge of her bed taking in the scent for comfort

lavender. Her favorite scent.

she sees two doors on the side of the room, she decides to check out what was on the other side of those doors

she walks to the first door closer to the window, she opens it and finds a modern bathroom filled with bathroom necessities, a big mirror and two sinks below it, walk in shower with a glass door, and huge bathtub the looks like it can light up, she walked out of the bathroom and walked to the other side to check out was the other room was

it was a huge walk in closet that was empty but it had some shoes both men's and women's and kids, she got confused looking at the kid shoes she looked at the size and it was exactly her size which she thought was coincedently accurate

she started getting hungry so she walked at of her new perspective room to go downstairs and get a snack

she turned around after getting a small snack, but as she turned around, she tipped a cup over the counter and it fell into the ground, making a huge noise

she heard a door open and she assumed it was jisung, she immediately froze, her mind going crazy, flashbacks, memories, trauma.

"Oh no.." she mumbled under her breath

"Sakura?" He asked quietly looking at her

"i-im sorry-" she panics

"I'll clean it up-"

"Please don't yell at me"

"i-im sorry-"

"It was an accident"

"I p-promise it won't happen again"


tears ran down her cheeks as she looked for a rag

she bent down trying to clean it

excessively scrubbing the mess away

she was scared and she didn't try to deny it

"'s okay"

"i-im sorry"

"it won't happen again I promise" she cried out trying to clean the mess

he gently grabbed her, embracing her while she was sobbing

"it's okay..."


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