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Third person

"it's okay..." jisung

"I..i wanna stay with them" Sakura mumbled

"fucking christ! Sakura you coming home with me whether you like it or not" Kaito

"no the fuck she's not." Itachi

"yes she will! I have the power to destroy your company" Kaito

"and we have the power to sue you for all your money" jisung

"it's all or nothing kaito" Sakura

"Oh so you're calling me by my name?" Kaito

"yes because you told me not to call you that 9 years ago!" Sakura

"I won't hesitate to sue you for what you've done to me and my siblings" Sakura

"You're gonna sue your own father?" Kaito

"Of course, I'm not the afraid little girl I used to be kaito" Sakura

"fine! let's take this to court! But if I get her then I will destroy your company han jisung" kaito

"If i get her ill make sure both you and her mom will be behind bars for life" jisung


"so you've abused, raped and kicked hui sakura out due to your alcohol addiction" judge

"yes but I wasn't in my right mind and I apologize for that deeply" kaori

"Your honor" itachi

"yes mr.hui" judge

"both my mother and father have verbally abused me and my siblings since the day we were born, my father would come home late at night drunk, and my mother would hit my sister when she'd accidentally made a mess, my mother would also smoke and drink in the house while my youngest sister was a baby" itachi

"do you have any sort of proof?"

"I can show you some old hospital papers of all sicknesses my sister has had in those past years" itachi

"show me" judge

itachi walked over and gave the judge the papers

"those papers are fake! They've been extremely ungrateful for everything we've given them!" Kaito

"Your honor do not listen to them! I have never smoked in my life and I never drank infront of them when they were children" kaori

"order!" Judge

"I've seen enough despicable paper and images!" Judge

"Mr.han, my i hear your explanation on to why you've decided to legally take hui sakura in?" Judge

"I saw her on the streets alone when she was at around twelve years of age, she told me she was kicked out and that her mother was drunk to the point where she'd gotten kicked out, so I decided to take her to my house and kept her for three years now and i want to legally be her father and keep her safe from them" jisung

"you've kept her for three years?"

"yes your honor" jisung

"Alright then" judge

"I hereby legally make you hui sakura's father and sentence hui kaito and sato kaori twenty-five years in prison" judge

"case closed" judge

"TWENTY-FIVE YEARS?!" Both Kaito and kaori yell in unison slamming their hands on the tables

"starting today" the judge states sending them off

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