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third person

it didn't take long for sakura to the sound of glass shattering in the living room, she immediately sat up in her bed slightly freaked out

at first she thought it was jisung being his clumsy self but once she looked at the clock on her bedside table, she was immediately struck with fear

she slowly got up from her bed and walking out to check out what the sound was, knowing it was a robber she still wanted to see, she reached the end of the long hallway and stood at the top of the stairs, staying hidden

she sees atleast 4 people in the living room taking anything they wanted, such as the painting she made, a gold vase, and jisungs favorite watch, she kept an eye on them until one of then saw her and pulled out a gun

she immediately froze in her spot, staring straight into the mans deathly gaze, and he loads the gun

suddenly jisung walks out of his room, probably wanting to get a drank but froze when he saw the man pointing a gun at her

her mind was racing, while jisungs heart was pounding, echoing in his ears before he can react the man shoots hitting sakura straight into her stomach

she falls back, the robbers running out of the house, jisung quickly runs towards sakura panicking but didn't show it knowing she would to

"Hey, hey, hey, you're okay  you're fine, alright? Stay with me" jisung reassured trying his hardest not to burst out in tears knowing he won't make it in time to drive her to the hospital since he lived quite far from it

"i..it.....hurts.." Sakura managed to get out holding her stomach coughing out blood

"it's okay, you're alright, just don't close your eyes okay?" He softly says slightly showing how much he's panicking

he quickly takes out his phone and calls an ambulance, and then he calls his best friends not knowing what else to do

he holds onto her tighting, pulling her into his chest

"d...dad....I'm...tire..d" she mumbles struggling to breathe

"I know angel but keep your eyes open for me okay?" She nods slowly

just then the boys come in running immediately stopping in their tracks once they see sakura laying on the floor, with jisung's arms wrapped around her, one hand stopping the blood from coming out

the quickly run towards then and kneeling down to see her still slightly awake, they all sigh in relief

sakura started closing her eyes

"no, no, no, no, please, honey, stay awake please, it's okay, you're okay, just a small wound okay?" Jisung says keeping her from closing her eyes, tears running down her cheeks

"d...don't....cry...for..m..me" she looks at him barely able to keep her eyes open

she slowly raised her arm putting it on his left cheek caressing it softly

jisung leans in her hand more tears running down his face as he keeps his hand on her wound to hopefully stop to much blood from coming out

"I...love..you..guys" she mumbles softly before putting her arm down slowly and resting it on the hard, cold floor

"we love you to darling, always and forever" seungmin softly states rubbing her head gently

she smiles for the last time and closes her eyes not being able to keep them open for much longer, as she now blacks out barely breathing

jisung panics and holds her tightly against him, everyone of them crying at this point, jisung desperately trying to keep her alive

"no, this can't happen, it's too early, please sakura, you can't die on me please, you have so much to live for, your brother needs you, they need you" he says carefully rubbing her cheek  crying

"I need you..." He whispers and and closes his eyes hoping it was all just a dream, but it sadly wasn't

sakura is now dead, her breathing completely stops, her perfectly rested face, his breathing started going extremely fast

"sakura.." he begs

"jisung....she's gone.." chan says softly, tears gliding down his cheeks as he went to him and pulled him away from her to calm him down

"i promised her.." He begins

"i-i....I promised I would keep her safe..with me.." He whimpered out

"I know...I know...but there's nothing left we can do.." he softly states embracing jisung, as his tears begin to fall looking at sakura's pale face

"But she wouldn't like it if we cried like this, you know she doesn't like it when we cry" he softly whispers, hugging tighter

"she was like a daughter to me" he mumbled

"and she legally was, just today, I got to be her legal father for one day.." He mumbles again

"we spent four amazing years with her,  she still called you dad, because she knew she was safe with you from the beginning, she immediately got comfortable with us, because she knew we were harmless, she got to spend those four years, with us, with her brother, with you." Chan stated softly

"we are always gonna be in her memories, just like she will be in ours, she'll forever be our silly, clumsy girl" he explained softly, still embracing the younger

"She was apart of our family, and she forever will be. even if she's not physically with us anymore, we will continue to live our lives just like she would've wanted us to, well work hard, just like she wanted us to, we will continue our lives, with or without her, but always remember that she will always be by our side taking care of us, like we did for her."

{The end}

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