Browsing Catalogs

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*Aardale's POV*

"Bonding Time" My friend Trishiea exclaims as she dumps a pile of different catalogs onto my lap.

I raise my brow at her but defeated,I let out a sigh. I was so lonely recently because Trishiea has got a promotion at her job. She now works long shifts that start at an ungodly hour and end at 11:25 PM . I need the time with her or I'll loose my mind.

"Alright, fine. Which one you want to look at first?"I ask her politely...enough.

"How about the furniture one?" I shake my head, slightly annoyed that she would even ask in the first place "No, alright. Ummmm... How about politics?"

I reluctantly nod my head.

(Time Skip An Hour)

"Well, the last one is pets." She says, a hint of sadness in her voice. I decide to let this observation pass.

I grab the catalog and so does she. We skim through the first few information pages. Once we reach the beginning of the actual catalog Trishiea starts reading the things out.

"Part one. Miniature low-intellect pets"

(Time skip irrelevant stuff to the plot) 

"Humans. A bipedal mid-level intellect species from the planet known as Earth. They are omnivores that are descendants of a species native to Earth known as Apes among the Humans. These Pets require a lot of interaction and need to socialize with other Humans (Which can be done so at a Human Daycare if needed) as well as a constant supply of water available to them."More information would be given to you if you were to get one of these pets." Trishiea says in a slightly monotone voice .

My eyes wonder past the image to the list of phone-numbers as well as the map that shows the closest place to get one.

"These pet's seem nice. I'm considering getting one now" I say to Trishiea, not taking my eyes of off the information.

"It would be good for you to have a pet Aardale. You could use with the interaction and also, it would give you a reason to drag yourself out of bed in the morning." She teases but says with wisdom.

"You know what. I'm gonna get one. It says that a neighboring planet has got an observation day tomorrow and a purchasing day after that. I'm going to check it out." I tell her.

"I'm glad your making a decision like this Aardale, really, I am. It will be super beneficial for you" She tells me with seriousness in her voice. "Anyways, I gotta go!"She says sadly.I frowns but nod and wish her luck as I see her out the door.

As I sit back down on the couch, I think to myself outloud:

"Right, well, it's time i did some research and brought the necessity's"

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