List of Human Categories

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Infants - Mainly consists of the ages 1-3 but can go up to as old as 5. 

Pre-Adolescence - Pretty self-explanatory. From the age of 6 to 12.

Adolescents - Again, pretty self-explanatory. 12-17.

Un-employees - If I have to explain it to you,you are as dense as a lump of tungsten. Dosen't count with students.

Averages - Basic people. People with jobs such as teachers, engineers, janitors, fast-food workers, etc. They go for a reasonable price and also usually have a pretty average temperament.

Juisticers - made from law enforcement officers of all kinds and all ranks and people such as attorneys, lawyers judges, etc. Are considered to have quite impressive intelligence by 'Human standards', at least the more tame side of the group (The people in the court room)

Justicers Sub-category 1 - The law enforcement officers and etc. (These people usually have a side-category of guards if they have a decent rank and are good at their old job.)

Justcers SUB-category 2 - The people who work inside the court such as the judges and etc. 

Travelers - Astronauts and such. Usually are seen to have a formidable intelligence 'among Humans'. Are well sought after by those with enough money.

Guards - People who either have employment or sometimes a regular hobby which requires fighting and have an aggressive behavior or are willing to fight. Always have alterations which make them want to protect those which are selected.

Defenders - Politicians. 

The better the job and the harder the job, the more expensive the Humans are.

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