Chapter 2: "Wandering"

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•Season 1 episode 1•

"Trust is like paper, once it's crumpled, it can't be perfect."

The moment that people started realizing that the military was bombing the city, chaos ensued. People were running, screaming, and crying. Everywhere I looked hysteria was there. Like your shadow, wherever you went it pursued. Panic only ever resulted in two things, fear or anger. I knew I needed to get out of hear. I've understood that when fear comes violence trails behind it.

I darted towards my jeep, attempting to stay clear of all the people running by. Running in between cars and crowds of people fighting over things that I knew wouldn't make a difference much longer. I saw my jeep and relaxed a little more, but continued my way over to it. I wasn't paying attention enough to notice the man barreling directly at me until he slammed into me.

I tried to catch myself but ended up on the ground, knocking the wind out of me. The man did not even bother to stop, he continued to run off. Before I could even pick myself up off the ground, I felt a rough hand grab my shoulder and another grab my arm. The person hauled me up, "Hey, are you ok?" They questioned me. "I'm fine" I responded and shook the man's hands off of me. I gazed at him. A police officer? He was dressed up in one of the local officer's uniforms complete with his badge which read, "Shane Walsh."

Before I could thank him, a high-pitched scream was let out. We both turned to the direction in which it came from. People were running and screaming more now. What were they running from? Those cannibals had made it up the mountain already! The man darted off towards a small group of people, leaving me there in deep thought on what to do. Should I go after and help or flee before more of those cannibals made it up here? I watched as the man hurried to rush a woman and child into a jeep.

He should be fine I thought to myself and continued to make my way to my jeep. I got in and started it. Looking out I saw people still running and cars everywhere. Where to go, I thought. I notice an RV pulling out from the long line of cars and heading down a small old path. Deciding to follow them since I didn't notice any additional route to go, besides back to the city. I trailed behind the RV on the old bumpy dirt road. Looking in my mirror I noticed the man from earlier who had helped me, was also trailing behind me. A few other cars were trailing behind too.

Once I had made it up, I pulled up next to the RV that had parked already. I turned my jeep off but stayed inside giving myself a moment to process everything. I watched as three people got out of the jeep and gathered by a cliff. An older man with a bucket hat and two younger blonde girls. The man from the jeep also got out and walked over to them. I looked over to the man's jeep and noticed the woman and child he was helping earlier. A brown-haired woman and a little boy who I assumed was her son. The boy noticed I was staring and waved at me. Before I could wave back, the woman glimpsed at me and then back to her son. It looked as though she was scolding her son, she then turned back to me and scowled at me before turning back to the man who was talking to the older man from the RV.

Three different cars had pulled up beside the RV as well and parked. A Hispanic man and woman got out along with two small children. Then a man and his wife with short hair and a little girl. The girl noticed me in my jeep and clung tightly to her mother as she clutched her doll. They also gathered around the people from the RV at the cliff. The woman and her son got out of their jeep and went over to the group. They were all looking over the cliff.

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