Chapter 17

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The vibe at the ball !!

The vibe at the ball !!

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"No drinking anything I don't give you, no mingling alone unless I say it's okay, stay by my side and don't leave unless I tell you to, don't answer prying men's questions, if they ask you anything serious about me or the mafia play dumb." I repeat myself for the third time in the car to Florence.

I was okay with her coming to the ball with me untill I saw her at the top of the stairs. I thought my heart stopped working when I saw her. Heat creeped up the back of my neck and there was a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach.

She was one of a kind, a true queen that would one day be the head of my mafia to stand along side me.

And that's where the panic set it, she was a distraction, a big one. I don't know if her plan was to be the most beautiful thing in the room, but either way she is and will draw a lot of attention with her beauty.

Normally I would love that, I want to show my girl off to the world and let everyone stare at how breath taking she is. I've let woman drape against me time and time again for images and appearances, but not once have I cared for their safety. Someone could put a bullet in their head whilst they were standing next to me and I would walk away and find another.

But now, now I have the urge to protect Florence, hide her from all these evil men including me for the night so I know she is safe.

As soon as I saw her tiny waist and big ass in that dress my mind went wild to all the things I'd like to do to her, some I don't know if she'd be able to handle so if my mind is wandering like that I don't want to think about every other man at the ball. Especially since most of the men are a lot older than me and more corrupt.

I might be evil but I am the lesser evil of the two. The people I kill always deserve it and I have rules, no women get hurt unless they're traitors or liars then they get shot not tortured and children are protected no matter what at all times.

Whereas most men have their own sex rings, they steal girls and boys through the night to line their pockets deeper, it's sick.

No real Don needs such activities to keep their pockets lined and business booming, and that's why I am the biggest mafia to exist.

But it doesn't mean Florence will one hundred percent be protected next to me, it gives me a feeling I've never had before I don't even know what it is. I must be sick or something to have this feeling in my belly.

So I've made rules and lots of them that I wont stop going over until it's the only thing she can remember.

"Recite them back to me"

She doesn't bother looking up from her phone scrolling through instagram accounts "take everything from only you stay with only you unless told not to and play dumb yada yada. You've said it like one hundred times I get it."

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