Chapter 35

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Something isn't right.

Luca usually comes not long after I wake up, but today he is no where to be seen. I don't know how much time has passed but something is wrong, I can feel it.

My chest tightens at the thought of something happening to him.

What feels like an eternity later, the door to my cell opens and I jump up thinking it's Luca, instead I am met with Juan's fist to my face.

"YOU STUPID BITCH!" He screams at me.

"Get your fucking hands off of me." I snarl at him. Walking backwards to put distance between us.

"What did you say in that video?" He tries to close the distance but I make sure I keep the chair in the way.

"I don't know what you're talking about Juan." I play dumb. Obviously the video has backfired and caused him some issues.

"We had a deal so start talking. What. Did. You. Say." He is beyond angry, he is livid.

"I didn't say anything." I continue to lie.


"Don't shout Juan, it'll age you ten years." I snap back at him sick of hearing his goddamn voice.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!" He screams so loud it echos through the cell.

"Florence fucking Stan, name you'll never forget." I wink at him knowing I've pushed him too far.

He jumps over the chair pinning my body against the wall with no where to go. "You think I care about your name?" He hysterically laughs. "You think I couldn't forget it? Stupid girl. I could walk out of here and never remember what you look like, never hear your name on another man's lips again. You're nothing."

"Oh baby the last name you'll ever hear is mine when I put a bullet through your thick skull." I match his laugh, we both sound bat shit crazy.

"SOMEONE GET ME THAT CAMERA NOW!" Juan's grip on me tightens as a man comes rushing in with the camera.
"Give it to me!" He snaps at the young guard.

"So Mr Russo, you want to burn my clubs? Kill my employees? TAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME!" He's visibly shaking I'm surprised he can even hold the camera.

Wait what?

Burn my clubs, kill my employees

What the hell are you guys doing.

"And this bitch." He slaps me across the face and squeezes my cheeks. "She thinks she's going to put a bullet through my head. YOU'RE BOTH FUCKING CRAZY! I have control here, I have the GIRL!"

"You look like you're about to shit yourself." I push him further. I need him to slip up on camera, I need him to say something that would give out where we are.

Juan flips smashing the camera in my face. "I am holding you here girl not the other way around! I got you underground without him knowing and I'm keeping you under his nose! I AM THE SMART ONE! None of you could do what I do. Me! I done it."

I hide my smile knowing he's messed up and yet to realise it. I can't show him he's messed up, I need that video to get to Aaron.

"You're right Juan" I whisper putting my hands to his chest. "I am your captive, you have me here and he doesn't. You're smarter than him, please don't hurt me."

This seems to please Juan as he turns the camera back to himself. "See Russo, even your bitch knows who's boss."

He pushes away from me and I slide down the wall.
"Get this sent to Aaron NOW!" He shoves the camera into the young guards chest and marches out of the cell without another word.

Made For MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora