Three: Uncle Mama and Aunt So-So

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Four weeks had passed since Josh and I have been hanging out, working out how to co-parent Lily.

But today, things would be different.

Matt and Sofia were coming into town to visit, and we were all going shopping next week.

Mom and Dad left to go "watch movies" at the park- when really, they were finding any excuse to leave us alone.

Josh sighed nervously as he leaned over in the front seat, going to grab my hand.

But I moved it. We weren't -or at least I wasn't- ready for that just yet.

"Look, breathe. Everything'll be okay." I said.

Josh glared at me, "I'm freaking out! Our friends are coming into town, we're driving to meet them for lunch, and you're telling me to breathe! Matt and Sofia are going to have a stroke when they see Lily!" He was seriously freaking out.

I sighed, turning up the radio.

My playlist started playing, my personal playlist.

A song came on. The lullaby that I wrote for Lily. My Dad released it, but no one ever listened to it, just Lily and I when she had trouble sleeping.

When you're sad,
Honey, know I'm here
Butterflies say goodbye
Geese do too
But mama won't
Ever leave you,
My little baby boo

"What's that?" Josh asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"N...nothing. I'll, uh, change it," I stuttered.

Quickly I changed it. Driver's License began to play. Rain began to fall.

I got my driver's license last week
Just like we always talked about
'Cause you were so excited for me
To finally drive up to your house
But today I drove through the suburbs
Cryin' 'cause you weren't around

Josh hummed along, stealing glances at me as he drove.

I smiled at him, then remembered a memory.

It was May 3rd. Josh had left me a few months ago, and Sofia had FaceTimed me earlier in the day.

I made sure not to show my whole body on camera as she babbled excitedly over the drama between The Cheater and Barbie.

That's what she called Josh and Sabrina.

As she was going on and on in absolute detail, I rubbed my bump, and it seemed like everything stopped.

I felt the blood. It was soaking my bed. I remember screaming and crying for Mom, and when she came in there, Sofia asked what was wrong.

"Honey, it'll be okay. I'm sure the baby is fine! I know you're bleeding! It's normal, sometimes! I'll take you to the hospital!"

That's when I stopped dead cold. Remembering that Sofia was on the phone, and literally watching and listening to everything, I laughed hysterically.

"Baby? What's your mom talking about?" Sofia asked.

"Oh, nothing! I think Olivia's just started her period!" Mom yelled.

Sofia hung up after that, and Mom drove me to the hospital.

I was crying and so scared that I had lost my baby. But an ultrasound reassured that she was fine, perfectly fine.

"Bleeding sometimes happens during pregnancy, when it's your first. Just call if it happens again, honey. I'll see you in three weeks for a checkup. Have a nice night." Doctor Winter said.

The memory ended. Josh tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, we're here," he said.

I smiled at him. The song had ended. Rain was still falling though. Sofia and Matt waved at us from inside the restaurant.

"Let's do this, then," I said.

Josh carried in Lily, now eleven months, and our friends looked at her in shock.

"You had a baby?!" They yelled in sync. "And didn't tell anyone?!" Sofia yelled.

"That's why I was off the radar. I had her and then didn't want to cause any more problems so I just stayed home all the time."

Matt nodded. "How old is she?"

He took her from Josh and laughed at her smiles. "You are so cute!" he said in his baby voice.

She giggled at that and babbled at him.

"She's almost a year old. She'll be two next September." I said, then realized how fast she was growing up.

It seemed like yesterday I had given birth.

"Does Barbie know?" Sofia asked.

Josh and I nodded. "She freaked! She called the wedding off too..." he laughed.

Sofia and Matt laughed. "I never liked her anyway. You couldn't have had this cute baby with her either," Matt said.

"Mama!" Lily laughed.

"She said her first word! Oh, my gosh!" I screamed.

Patrons in the restaurant were staring at us. The waiter brought over Matt and Sofia's burgers and shakes.

"I think, she's trying to say Matt. Let's see if she can say Sofia," Sofia cooed.

"Say Sofia! Sofia! come on, sweet girl!" she was practically begging.

"So-So!" Lily managed.

We all laughed.

Today was truly a good day seeing our friends.

I hoped we would always be close, even when we're old and ancient.

Lily: a Jolivia storyWhere stories live. Discover now