Chapter 9

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The brunette was internally going crazy. He knew he escaped Kouyou's anger when Chuuya told her what happened. However, he knew it wasn't the end yet. He couldn't focus when Chuuya's wound accidentally opened up when he was on a mission despite Yasano's constant reminder to rest for at least a week since he lost a lot of blood. Not having real human blood in his whole 22 years of his life, that took a big toll on him. He was resisting this whole time. Not only because of Kouyou hating him but because he knew if he did feed on another's blood, he would be no different from the pure blood vampire they were hunting. He was pretty sure Chuuya would distance himself from him too.

So, he did what every vampire who wanted to resist their urges did. Avoid that individual. It was the only way to do it. Dazai only smelled Chuuya's blood so he could still come into contact with the others and only avoid Chuuya. It was weird at first and the ginger obviously caught up after a few days. They were no longer doing missions together and Chuuya's day was silence and no teasing from the brunette which was obviously a tall tale sign that Dazai was avoiding him. The brunette even went the whole way to avoid Chuuya purposely. The ginger was clueless and Kouyou noticed it too. She found it strange. Another thing to add to what to worry about Dazai was that he was paler every day. It took a while to observe and notice it but Chuuya and Kouyou noticed it. That's when Kouyou knew what was happening. She couldn't help but feel happy. She didn't say anything then though. Keeping Chuuya safe was her top priority after all. She advised Chuuya to not pester Dazai either. It was to help Dazai as well after all.

Sadly, Chuuya, being the person he was, decided to go against his sister's advice for once. He found it not only weird but uncomfortable without Dazai even teasing him once and avoiding him. Don't get Chuuya wrong, he hates it when Dazai teases him about his height, style and fashion but it was just weird without it. Doing the mission alone was faster but more dangerous. He knew Dazai always had his back during a fight. However, when Dazai stopped doing missions with him, there was no one having his back so he had to fend for himself. He didn't have a problem with that anyways, he was one of the best martial artists and the infamous gravity manipulator to the vampires after all but he felt that anything could strike his back when he least expected it. So, he decided to pay the brunette a visit after work at his apartment and demand an explanation.

Knocking in a rhythmic way, Chuuya waited for the annoying waste of bandages to come out. Chuuya was actually knocking in a way to let Dazai know it was him. They always did that during missions and when one is in danger and is in hiding. The door obviously wasn't going to open by itself so Chuuya gave a warning before kicking the door open. He knew he would pay for the door if it broke but much to his surprise, the door wasn't locked so he didn't have to kick that hard for it to open. That kick was actually supposed to be a warning for Dazai. Shrugging, Chuuya welcomed himself into the house with a brunette dashing to the front door and he stared at Chuuya weirdly. "Why did you kick the door open?"

"Because you didn't open it..." The ginger replied as he slowly closed the door with his feet again.

Dazai sighed as he kept the gun he had in his hand in his pocket. "Were you actually going to shoot me with that gun?" Dazai shook his head as he grabbed both of Chuuya's shoulders and forcefully pushed Chuuya out of the door. The ginger cursed at the brunette and asked why he was pushing him out of the door. Dazai replied bluntly with a " You shouldn't be here, Chuuya...You'll get injured." The ginger obviously found that sentence strange. Injured? Why would he get injured? As he glanced over his shoulder,he saw Dazai's eyes glowing red. He didn't possibly just kill a vampire in his house right? He struggled to not get pushed out of the house. Dazai was having a bit of a struggle to push Chuuya out as well. That's when Dazai stopped and clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Chuuya, can you please get out of my house. I'll explain why I'm avoiding you tomorrow." Chuuya's eyes widened when he heard Dazai say that. How did he know what he was here for? Well, I guess it was kind of obvious. Chuuya shook his head vigorously in denial as he turned around to make eye contact with Dazai. The brunette sighed once again. He was on the verge of leaping on Chuuya and sucking his blood dry. Dazai blinked a few times and breathed in deeply. "Chuuya, last warning. Get.out." Chuuya was a stubborn person by nature and he wasn't backing down just yet. However, after hearing Dazai's crude and serious tone, he questioned his choice. Despite that, he stood in his place confidently as he gave Dazai a 'I'm not going until you tell me' face which Dazai ignored. He was slowly losing his composure and he needed Chuuya to get out of his house so that he wouldn't attack the poor ginger without him knowing anything. Much to his frustration, Chuuya was standing right in front of him and refused to budge. The fact he didn't know was that Chuuya was slightly at those red eyes piercing through the dark. Dazai's house was dimly lit. As the brunette stepped a few steps back, Chuuya couldn't really see Dazai anymore. It was getting dark outside as well. That added to Chuuya's fear as he stepped a few steps to the side to try and see Dazai.

He was shocked when he saw Dazai wavering a few metres away from him. That's when Chuuya started worrying and stepped a few steps forward to Dazai to check on him. Chuuya was only met with Dazai slowly lifting his head and pushing Chuuya on the wall behind the ginger. Looking at Dazai, he knew he was in big trouble. Swiftly taking his dagger out of his holder, he swung it to the brunette only for it to have his wrist held tightly as Dazai pried the weapon out his hand and threw it to the side. Chuuya mumbled curse words as he saw Dazai glaring at him. The ginger slowly fished out Dazai's gun from his pocket when the brunette was distracted for that split second. Bringing the gun up, Chuuya was contemplating on whether to shoot or not. Dazai is his best friend and partner. Mouthing a sorry, Chuuya pressed the trigger and much to his shock, Dazai tilted his head to the side and avoided the bullet. The bullet buried itself into the opposite wall with a loud 'bang'! Chuuya didn't hesitate this time but shot one more time but because of his fear, his shaky hand missed as the bullet plunged to the wall again. He shot one more time but before he pressed the trigger, Dazai pulled his hand up and the bullet ended up in the ceiling, dust from the ceiling falling to the floor. When Chuuya's finger hovered the trigger once again, Dazai hit the gun out of his hand, the gun sliding to the floor, frantically out of reach. Chuuya clicked his tongue as he tried shoving the brunette off him but to no avail when Dazai grabbed his wrists in a rather bruising force and pinning them beside his head. The ginger was wearing a hoodie that day and that made it difficult for Dazai to remove it so he had to grab Chuuya's hands in one of his hands and slowly pulled the hoodie down to Chuuya's shoulder. As the ginger tried struggling his hands out of Dazai's grip, Dazai's now free hand took one of Chuuya's hand as the ginger squirmed. The brunette ignored Chuuya's warnings to back off as a pair of sharp fangs emerged from his mouth. He didn't even hesitate to bury them into Chuuya's neck.

Chuuya yelped out in pain as he struggling seized. As Dazai mercilessly sucked Chuuya's blood greedily. It looked as if he hadn't eaten for many years, which is true figuratively and literally. The brunette was oblivious to the pain he inflicted upon Chuuya and the whimpers of pain coming from the ginger. "D...dazai..." Chuuya stuttered as he slowly slid down to the wall with Dazai still pinning him to it. The ginger was dead serious when he said he was going to die. He could feel his energy slowly draining away.

For Dazai, when blood touched his tongue, he delightedly took in more. Chuuya's blood the sweetest poison and the brunette was addicted to it, so all his composure slipped out of his brain as he continued to suck Chuuya's blood.

"B...bastard...Snap out of it!" Chuuya tried his best to yell at the brunette and that did the trick when Dazai immediately stopped as he glanced at the other's ocean blue eyes and his eyes widened as he realised what he did. He pulled his fangs out and licked it before it was replaced with human teeth. He let go of Chuuya gently as the ginger wavered and fell into Dazai's grip. To relieve the pain, he licked the wound on Chuuya's neck as the ginger's head flung backwards in pain. It must sting. Dazai glanced around the wound and immediately realised what happened. The gun, dagger and bullets plastered into the walls and ceiling. He looked apologetically to Chuuya and mumbled a sorry softly to Chuuya as the ginger sighed softly, feeling the pain subside. Dazai cupped Chuuya's chin and gently turned it to the side to inspect the wound. Dazai sighed in relief that he didn't bite any important blood arteries and bit a vein which would keep Chuuya alive. The ginger who was still in Dazai grip, weakly punched the brunette's stomach. Dazai's eyes softened as he allowed Chuuya to lean on him. "I'm so sorry Chuuya, it's just that-" He was cut off with the ginger glaring at Dazai to make him shut up. Dazai chuckled lightly as he lifted Chuuya's chin and gave a small peck on Chuuya's lip. "That's an apology from me..." The ginger's eyes widened as he stared in disbelief at the brunette. "Jackass..." He mumbled as he mustered the strength to punch Dazai again and kiss the brunette back. "I'll take that as a love confession." Dazai teased before chuckling again. The ginger leaning on him just gave a glare and then a small nod as a light blush crept onto his face.

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