A small smile

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Next day......

After having tea with yoonmin tae went back to his home.....he got ready and was about to leave on his daily time.....as usual there was again a bouquet of flowers laying on the floor with note.....

'my love.....

Good morning bear....I am really sorry for hurting you....but I promise I won't hurt you again....I love you bear .....have a good day....

Your stupid kookie'.....

Tae signed but he didn't throwed that note or flowers....he folded the note and put that in his pocket.....and smelled the flowers and asked Anna to put them in vase inside.......

While kook who was looking at tae jumped in happiness when he saw tae smelling the flowers...he can't express the happiness he was feeling right now.....this was the first step that told him.....there is still a chance for him.....


The same thing happened to a whole week.....kook placed the flowers for tae and tae accepted them daily....kook wanted to take things slow.....

Today tae was working in his office but got disturbed when he heard a knock on the door.....he looked at the clock which was showing 1:05 pm ......he frowned as he knew yeonjun would be in cafeteria eating his food.....he still said coming in and shook his head when a human bunny peeked his head from the door.....

He opened the door properly and walked in....."good afternoon love"kook said cheerfully....tae just nodded and hummed in response....

"Why are you working..... it's lunch time...."kook asked leaning on his desk a little.....

"I am not hungry that's why"tae spoke....

"Ah huh.... that's no right.....you should eat your food on time.....so come with me"kook said forwarding his hand....

"Where...as much as I remember I said I will go to lunch with you for only one time"tae said ....

"I am not saying we are going out baby....just come with me you will know"kook said holding tae's hand and smiled widely when tae didn't removed his hands this time...... tae felt good holding those hands which he wanted to hold forever.....he felt calm and Peace when kook call him with nickname like love and baby.....

But he still do the facade of coldness a d show no emotions to kook......kook walked in the corridor going towards the corridor where meeting room was.......he stopped Infront of the room which was close to elevator.....

Tae knew this room.....his father made this room specially for this two.....they always came here whenever they were bored ....they used to play a d talk to each other forgetting the time.....but from the day kook left tae never entered in this room.....kook smiled sadly seeing the sadness in his bear's eyes.....

He put the pin in and the door got unlocked....he stepped inside still holding tae's hand and tae started at the room in awe......the room was clean and was decorated simply.....there were matters on the floor with pillows.....the walls was filled with fairy lights which were tae's favorite.....

the walls was filled with fairy lights which were tae's favorite

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He remembered he once said to kook that he want his lover to arrange this kind of room for him.....kook knew a d still remember this made tae to feel giddy....he looked at kook who was already looking at him with soft eyes .....

"When"tae asked.....

"I was planning this for very long ....and thought to take you here with me today....hope you liked it"kook asked with hopeful eyes.....

"Hmm not bad"tae said looking around the room....kook dragged him towards the mattress and made him sit there .....he than brought a big tiffin....and started to open it.....

"I made food for you with my own hands.....I don't know how it taste hope you will like it"kook said opening all the boxes.....tae stared at him with amazed face.....he clearly know kook didn't know how to cook.....

"When you learned how to cook"tae asked.....

"Some days ago.....I asked Jin hyung to teach me how to cook.... some of you favorite food...."kook said smiling sheepishly....this warmed tae's heart but he still maintained the no Expression face and nodded....he was about to pick chop stick to eat but kook stopped him....

"I will feed you...pwease"kook said showing his puppy eyes to tae who signed but nodded.....kook started to feed tae while tae just forgot everything and get lost in that moment.....

This is what he wanted ....his kook near him.... loving him....caring for him.....them being together.....his train of thought was stopped when kook clapped his hand .....

"Done .... see you were hungry that's why you ate all .....now tell me how it was"kook asked lovingly.....

"It was...good"tae said .....kook smiled widely and thanked him.....

He was about to stamd and leave but kook again stopped him"now what"tae asked rudely.....

"Our lunch and dinner isn't completed without sweets....sweetheart"kook said and took out and box which had strawberry pastries in it.....

"Don't tell me you made this also"tae asked but signed when kook shook his head....."I didn't....but I promise I will make it next time for you"kook said and fed tae ......

Like this weeks passed kook daily made lunch for tae and feeded him daily as he promised next day he made pastries for tae .....

Whenever tae used to ask kook don't he have work .....he always replied my only work is to make you happy and this brought a small smile on tae's face which he quick hide before kook can see that......

One after another days were passing kook was doing his best and trying his everything to prove his love for his bear.....their hyung's helped kook too much which made him feel lucky......but today he was scared...... today was the last day as tomorrow a month will be completed after he asked tae to give him a chance.....

And till now tae didn't even smiled at him once.....he was losing his hopes.....the feeling and sparks he wanted to see in tae's eyes were still missing.....he was thinking he wasn't able to prove his love.....he didn't made tae that happy that he should.....of course he understands that tae is broken....he had given too much pain to tae but he didn't did anything on purpose.....he just didn't wanted to be an obstacle in tae's love life.....he know he should be a little brave and should have confessed his feelings for tae but he was afraid what if tae didn't felt the same for him and he wasn't strong to lose tae as his friend.......

Today when he went to tae's office to have lunch with him....he asked tae if tae is happy but he didn't got any answer from other which increased his insecurities.........he wasn't feeling peace....he didn't knew what he should do.....it was already night and he wasn't ready to face rejection tomorrow......

So to divert his mind he went to club....no he didn't went there to have any one night stand kind of things....he isn't a fool to mess his already messed relationship.....he just wanted to drink to make his mind calm....

Next chapter.....

"He had tried to kill himself after a week he came to la"Minho said making all of them froze.....tae looked down at kook who was sleeping peacefully snuggling his head in tae's stomach.......


To be continue.....

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Stay tuned cutiesssssssss.....


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