What You Feel, What You See

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The next morning, Georgia had gone shopping with Connor, Will, Joey and Drew. Just liked what had been arranged at dinner the previous night, they were all looking for outfits to wear at the Beach Banger Party. Georgia didn't know much about for obvious reasons but after Joey's comment last night, she definitely wanted to know more. Before going to sleep she searched online about it to see if there was any local news articles or pictures people might have posted. There was a few here and there but overall, not much. How could a party apparently so infamous go so undocumented. Following that failure of a grab for information, Georgia decided to just simply ask the others all the questions she could think of as they wandered into the shop.

"So what exactly is the Beach Banger Party?" Asked Georgia, starting off simple.

"I basically already told you" answered Connor, smiling and shrugging. "It's a beach party that happens every year at the exact same place."

"And everyone in Echo Beach knows about it?" Said Georgia, raising an eyebrow.

"Unless you're just visiting or you've just moved to town pretty much, yeah" replied Connor. "It's been going on for god knows how long."

"We've been to a couple, our parents went to a couple, their parents probably went to a couple" added Will, joining in. "No one knows who started it or what year it actually began."

"So how did it become so massive?" Said Georgia, intrigued at this apparent mystery. "Like, out of all parties that go on during summer in Echo Beach, why is this one the one everyone raves about?"

"It's a little hard to explain" replied Will. "It's probably either over exaggerated by people spreading stories through word of mouth or it's mainly famous because of all the things that apparently happen at it."

"See that's the thing, I tried searching about it last night but there was barely anything anywhere" said Georgia. "No one talks about it except like we're doing right now and for something as wild as everyone's making it out to be, why is that?"

"What's the one rule of fight club?" Replied Connor, smiling.

"Don't talk about fight club" groaned everyone, most rolling their eyes.

"I'm just so interested by what this party is" said Georgia, slightly excited.

"Well I guess you'll just have to stay interested until you see what it's like for yourself later" replied Will, smiling. "Don't think too much about it, you'll definitely have when you're there."

"Alright guys, who's doing what?" Questioned Connor, making everyone stop.

"What do you mean? I thought we were here for clothes" responded Will.

"We are but I also thought to just save a bit of time a couple of us could go get some drinks at the same time" said Connor, shrugging. "Georgia, do you want to come pick some?"

"Well, considering I can't legally buy any and I don't really know much about alcohol, I think I'm going to focus more on what I'll be wearing" replied Georgia. "Plus I doubt I currently have anything as nice to wear compared to what you're all going to be wearing."

"I can come with you to look at clothes if you'd like" said Will, smiling.

"Okay, that'd be great" replied Georgia, smiling as well.

"Alright, so I'll go look for drinks and what are you two doing?" Wondered Connor, glancing between Joey and Drew.

"I'll come looks at drinks too" responded Drew in a monotone voice.

"I'll do the same just to make sure you don't only pick up beer and shit" said Joey, smirking.

"Cool, so once we have the drinks we'll meet you at the changing rooms with our outfits" said Connor, everyone nodding and then separated.

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