Say I've Loved And I've Lost, But That's Not What I See

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At the start of the next week, the last week of summer and the last week Georgia would be staying in Echo Beach, Connor and Drew were hanging out in Connor's bedroom whilst everyone else was out doing other things. Whether that be pageant training or shopping or what have you. Despite being one of the few people that actually lived at the house permanently, Connor seemingly had one of the smallest rooms. He always assumed it was because his mum wanted the guests to feel like royalty with the large spare rooms whenever they'd stay over. The room was a square shape, the bottom of the walls painted a dark blue colour and gradually transitioning to a lighter shade as they reached the ceiling. Along the same wall as the door was a large set of drawers, various books piled on top. Connor's room was at the back of the house, his window being the second curved window whilst Georgia's was the first.

His double bed sat with the headboard just below said window with a small cabinet positioned opposite, a flatscreen tv perched on top and pointing towards the bed. Along that same wall and close to the entrance was a door to a medium sized walk in wardrobe, having that instead of an en-suite. Scattered across the wall opposite the set of drawers was shelves of varying sizes with different things on them and the occasional framed picture displaying a professionally printed photo Connor had taken himself or one he'd simply bought because he liked the look of it. The tv was currently turned on with the image showing a game's loading screen. Connor was sat on the floor at the foot of his bed leaning back against it and Drew was actually sat on the bed instead, controllers in both of their hands and patiently waiting. Connor a little annoyed.

"I mean, he know I like her" said Connor. "So why would he ask her out on a date?"

"Because maybe he likes her as well" replied Drew in a monotone voice. "It's pretty obvious you're both interested... for some unknown reason."

"And the worst thing is, he then has the audacity to come and tell me about how amazing it was" said Connor, scowling.

"Think of it this way: he didn't check with you if it was alright to ask Georgia out on a date and you didn't ask him either" replied Drew, shrugging. "Technically you're both in the wrong and perhaps you both should have made it clear to Georgia and each other that you were both interested before accidentally doing this behind one another's backs."

"Plus the fact that he kissed her" said Connor, completely ignoring what Drew had just said. "It's just god damn sly. Like, we're meant to be friends and then you go and do something like this."

"Hey dude, listen to me whilst I'm being honest for a second" replied Drew, making sure he had Connor's attention before carrying on. "As much as I don't want to get involved and could not give a shit about what's going on between you, Will and Georgia... I really don't want to hear about Georgia kissing other people."

Yeah... sorry" said Connor after a pause. "It's just playing over and over again in my mind is all."

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure everything will work itself out" replied Drew, patting Connor on the shoulder just as the game finally loaded. "That or it'll all come crashing down in both of your faces."

"The only way that's going to happen is if Will keeps going on about his apparently perfect date" said Connor, shaking his head. "I just can't get over the fact that he did this."

"Oh my god" groaned Drew, closing his eyes and falling back onto the bed, giving up.

- The Boys Of Echo Beach -
Intro song: Ondine - David Krutten -

Most of the rest of the week was spent with both Connor and Will doing certain things and acting certain ways in a bid to win Georgia's attention. They'd spoken to each other like they normally would but neither had mentioned anything to do with the whole Georgia date situation. They both knew the conversation would happen eventually but neither of them wanted to be the one to start it because it meant they would be the one causing problems. It was very clear to everyone around them when they were together that there was something going on and it was making most hang out sessions a little uncomfortable. Multiple times Joey and Drew removed themselves from said occasions because the awkwardness of it all was too horrible. Sometimes Drew would stay when he was either eating or drinking because watching the silent arguments occur was like spectating a sport and he was one of the biggest fans.

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