New Emotions

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The next morning Ivy woke up groggy, but her head felt much better. She ended up missing her first day of college classes in person. Which just meant Monday would end up being her first day. She called the college, and they told her it would be fine.

Arlo was Drove to school in the morning by Claire. Ivor and her needed to head home early though so Ivy asked if she could get discharged at least a few hours early. Dr. Langston was very accommodating to her request. During her breaks, she would come to sit with Ivy. Ivy believed curiosity got the best of her. She was very strict about having Ivy call her Mrs. Langston. It was not long before Ivy was her favorite person in the hospital wing. Mrs. Langston filled her in on anything that crossed her mind she told her about her oldest son, Alec and how he wasn't the most open to relationships. Which was odd to her because he saw his parents grow together and love each other throughout his life. She told Ivy about her twins Theo and Tyler that she adopted and how she found out she was pregnant with her son Christian when their custody went through. If Ivy did not know any better, she would believe this lady had gone crazy. But Ivy has been with crazy, and Mrs. Langston seemed too just be lonely. They both enjoyed each other's to company. But something about the way she diverted the conversation around. Just rubbed Ivy the wrong way.

When Ivy got permission from the nurse to leave, she left a note for Mrs. Langston thanking her for the company. It took her about fifteen minutes to fill out all the paperwork for her release. Once Ivy got discharged, she picked Arlo up from school. He looked as though he had a long first day. When he got into the car, he relaxed his entire body while asking for music. The drive home went smoothly. Ivy kept looking at him through the mirror, but Arlo was just starting off in space. They ended up home around noon.

Arlo snuggled up next to Ivy the whole weekend not saying anything about the Pizza Parlor. They watched movies and had hot chocolate together. The general store called saying all their furniture came in. Ivy took the time Saturday to get everything in Arlo's room set up while he was passed out on the couch. When Ivy had the time, she would get up and walk around the house her head has been in a daze. Since it was late, she showered and Re-bandaged her head. The house had been cleaned when she got home from the hospital, she figured Claire must have done it to pass time. The new fridge, stove, microwave, and dishwasher had been set up. That must have been Ivor's doing. So, Ivy called them to thank them for all the help. After her phone call, she carried Arlo up to his room. He was exhausted the entire weekend it seemed more emotionally taking a tow on him than physically. But it made her feel bad. After she tucked him in, she headed to bed for the night.

She slept well since it was her memory foam bed instead of the hospital two-inch mattress. It would not surprise her if those mattresses were made of cardboard. Ivy woke up around seven thirty, she got Arlo up and ready for school. They ate breakfast together. Oatmeal and bananas were his requests.

After they ate it was time to head into town. He seemed more aware this morning and had been out the door before she could get her shoes on. Ivy took him to his classroom and Ms. Penelope told him to go find his desk with his name tag on it. She informed Ivy his first day went well but he only talked with one other kid.

Ivy was not surprised which is why she kept him in the grade kids his age would normally be in. She said the kid he hangs around is usually bullied. But since yesterday when they first met, he has tried to be out of his shell. Arlo was a good kid, and he helped this other kid be more social but what about Arlo's growth. He works well together with others, she told Ivy. It was not bad news, but it was not what she would have liked to hear.

As Ivy absorbed all this information but she needed to head out before she was late for her first day of college classes. She thanked Mrs. Penelope and left. What did she expect Arlo only had been there one day, so she figured she needed to give him more time.

Once Ivy made it to the college, she got clocked in early so she could get some in-person study hours. Ivy headed to the library since it was usually open early. She had spent all her time studying the lesson plans for her classes and planning out the rest of her week in the time she had before class. When nine thirty ended up rolling around she was one of the first to take her seat.

Ivy was not one for leaving her bubble. But curiosity got the best of her when a familiar face walked in the room. She moved seats closer to introduce herself.

"Hey I'm Ivy."

"I remember you, I'm Vexy."

She smiled as sitting down. The professor has not been to class apparently since the previous week, so they just have a business slide show to work on but they are allowed to do it with a partner. Vexy asked Ivy if she wanted to work with her and Ivy gladly agreed.

"So, your brother is the police lieutenant?" She asked.

Vexy replied saying, "My family is full of different career paths, they are just waiting for me to pick mine."

We finished all our slides for the day and continued talking about school and career paths until Ivy had to leave.

Ivy said, "It was nice to meet you."

Vexy responded, "Same and I'm glad you are feeling well after Thursday."

Ivy left the lecture room with extra time before she needed to be at Arlo's school. As Ivy followed all the signs to the nearest exit. She was distracted by all the art and flyers on the walls. She ended up taking a left left-handed turn to fast and ran right into him. Gladly all her schoolwork was already in her bag, or it would be all across the floor. As she ran into the Alec she almost fell backward. He caught her before she could fall onto the floor.

Pulling Ivy up he said, "You again, Are you okay?" Like it was a question.

"Alec," he said introducing himself as he stared at her for a minute with his hand out in front of him. Ivy shook his hand.

Without breaking eye contact he asked again slower this time, "Are. you. Okay?"

"Ivy! My name is Ivy. I'm so sorry but I must go before I'm late," she said as she bounded for the exit.

When she went around him, she saw his brothers Tyler and Theo watching her. She headed out to her car to fast her head was pounding as she unlocked the door. Once Ivy was sitting in her car and had a moment to think all to herself. She took a deep breath noticing her heart was racing.

He made her feel impulsive, not like anything she experienced before it was breathtaking and thrilling at the same time.

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