Making Acquaintances

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Ivy got to Arlo's school just when the bell rang it usually takes around ten minutes before his class walks out. It gave her time to breathe.
She called Claire while waiting for Arlo. She asked Ivy how she was feeling right when she answered the phone. Ivy told her she felt fine lately and had been able to do everything she normally would. Then Ivy filled her in on the run-in with Alec and all the information Braxton told her at the hospital.

"Ivy?" Claire said.

"Yes, I know It's terrible timing we just moved, and Arlo is getting used to this new school," Ivy replied.

"No, I just wanted to say I never heard you talk about another guy before," Claire said.

Next thing she knew Claire was asking her all these questions and it was completely her fault. She probably bruised her ego while telling her about how she nearly fell on her butt earlier. She kept questioning Ivy about him, but the truth was she had not known much about him. Soon after listening to Claire fill Ivy in about how everyone was doing. Ivy had to go.

Ivy said, "It was good hearing from you but I'm picking Arlo up from school right now so ill catch up with you later."

Claire replied, "Alrighty enjoy the rest of your day."

It took a minute before she saw Arlo's class walking outside. She was told by the school that parents can stay in their car, and they would walk the kids to the designated spot but Ivy decided to walk up to get him that way she could hear from his teacher how his first few days have been. Ms. Penelope says great things about her class in all the emails she sends home. But when you meet with her in person she informs you how your kid, in particular, is doing.

Once Ivy got up there, she had just let the last kid in his class go so it ended up being good timing. She asked how his social skills were doing. She said he's very smart and talkative in class. But he still does not have many friends though. She told Ivy he hangs out with only a few kids and that maybe having a play date could help strengthen his relationships. Ivy thanked her and walked with Arlo back to the car.

They got inside and Arlo was very quiet. She asked him to buckle up, then they pulled out of the parking lot. Their gas tank was low, so she had to stop on the way home. Once they made it to the gas station she asked if he wanted to go inside and grab snacks. Arlo loves to stroll around candy. But they both never can pick anything out though. Ivy paid for the gas, and he found some sour gummy worms.

The drive home was the same as always, they blasted Christmas music all the way. Then as they were about to pull into the driveway Ivy asked if he wanted to grab the mail Arlo nodded yes so once he got out, she locked the doors and rolled down the windows. He gave her a serious this isn't funny look, and she told him to race back to the porch. The car won racing up the driveway. When by the time Ivy got out of the car Arlo was laughing so hard that when she looked at him, he could barely even stand up straight. He pointed behind Ivy where he dropped all the mail in a straight line running up the driveway. Ivy smiled and tossed him the house keys. She retraced his steps, collected all the mail then headed inside. Arlo was in the kitchen by the time she made it inside. Since they had nothing going on this week Ivy decided Arlo could have a friend over tomorrow. Something to look forward to. She asked him who he would like to invite over, and he replied, "I made friends with one person."

"Oh, and who may that be?" Ivy asked.

"His name is Chase. I think the other kids might not like him someone almost tripped him this morning," Arlo said.

"Chase? Do you know his last name" Ivy asked?

"Yeah, Langston" Arlo replied.

Ivy felt bad when he told her Chase was being bullied. After she cooked hot dogs and mac n cheese for lunch Ivy went out to the porch swing to make the phone call.

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