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They fell asleep together on the couch. The next day Alec's family came over to visit. Ivy woke up to the doorbell. She looked at Arlo who was sitting on the floor watching TV while eating cereal. Alec walked in from the kitchen with a breakfast plate.

He set it on the table saying, "Good morning."

Then went to open the door. Everyone was outside. They came in one at a time Chase ran through first. Mr. Langston apologized for his part in all the week's commotion. Ivy accepted his apology. She offered to let them stay for the day since she wouldn't be leaving the house for a while. They all accepted the offer.

Chase and Arlo headed upstairs to play video games. While the girls talked about the week, the guys watched TV. Ivy went into the kitchen to help Alec cook more breakfast food. Vexy hugged her tightly, as if she was receiving consolation. Everyone chit-chatted while the food was cooking. As soon as Ivy announced that breakfast would be served, everyone gathered around.

They all sat down at the table together. Everyone was smiling and engaged in conversations throughout the room. They had a whole buffet cooked up it smelled so good. The food was eaten just as fast as the food was placed on the table. Once everyone finished their food Mrs. Langston volunteered to take care of the dishes. Ivy went out onto the porch for some fresh air. While everyone else sat down to play cards. Braxton was pacing outside by the cars while he was on the phone she watched him for a minute until Alec and Christian stepped outside. Then they all looked towards Braxton as he came up the steps.

"That was a fast phone call," Ivy stated.

Once his face locked eyes with Ivy he went pale. He could not tell her. So he asked to talk with Alec. Leaving Christian to sit with Ivy. They decided to sit in silence though. Christian understood. Alec walked with Braxton out to the car and leaned against the bumper.

"If this is about her you should tell her not me. I am pretty sure she can take care of herself," Alec stated.

"I thought," Braxton started as Alec interrupted.

"I am not in the business. I finished what dad could not now I'm done," he stated as Christian and Ivy walked up.

"Okay then I guess I should tell you this," Braxton said looking toward Ivy.

"What," Ivy asked.

Everyone looked in Braxton's direction as he stated, "Marcus broke out when he was getting transported. The top Gang from the upper north cousins with the Lucario brothers broke him out during transportation. They must have researched us after the news report came out this morning. The pizzeria released the altercation between the three of you."

Ivy looked like she was hit by a brick.

"Why?" She asked.

"Revenge, They are coming for us," Alec stated.

"No they are after the entire district dad created," Braxton responded.

"That must be why he has been receiving pleads to reconsider leaving," Christian stated.

Alec wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly. She was trembling in his arms. She wanted to yell so badly. Mostly at herself, she put herself in this position it was all her fault.

"I do not know exactly what they have planned for Marcus but the first chance he gets he'll be here," Ivy stated.

"Well, we are not going to let him get to you," Tyler and Theo agreed.

Arlo passed out while playing cards with Chase and had to be carried up to his room. Alec's family stayed around a little longer. Once his family departed Alec approached Ivy and handed her a small box. She gave him a startled glance.

"What's this for?" She asked.

"Open it," He replied.

She opened the small box. As Alec took the diamond ring from the box, Ivy's face flushed slightly. He placed the diamond on her finger, Ivy grinned as tears came down her cheeks. He drew her into a tight hug against his chest.

Alec vowed, "I won't let Marcus or anyone get to you like before."

"I do not want protection. It's not what I need I need facts and proof that he cannot hurt me or Arlo. I am willing to accept the ring and all that comes with it. But how are we supposed to live like this we can't just keep running anymore. It's not the life I want for Arlo or myself," She stated.

"Well you can always stay at my place," Alec responded.

"No offense but I can not walk around a house on eggshells; trying not to overstep your parent's and sibling's boundaries," Ivy stated.

He looked at her with a smile responding, "I wasn't referring to my parent's house. I have my own place you know. Instead of going down my parent's long driveway, you would just go right down mine."

Ivy raised an eyebrow and stated, "As wonderful as living in a mansion sounds, I remodeled this place it's my home."

Arlo peeking around the stairs yelled, "A MANSION?"

They both turned and looked toward him. Ivy thought its best if Arlo weighed in on the decision. So she waved toward the kitchen table and walked over. They all sat down and she explained to Arlo that Marcus escaped and is in very much trouble.

"He is not supposed to come around us though. Do you think he escaped to come after us? He found out where we live before he got locked up. Now, what choice do we have?" Ivy stated.

Arlo looked down at his fingers and then at Alec. He asked, "If we move in can we get a puppy?"

Ivy palmed herself in the face. Alec laughed out loud.

"Okay, But I am not packing all this stuff again, and we are sleeping here tonight" Ivy replied.

"We," Arlo asked.

"Yes, I am pretty sure Alec is not leaving us just yet," she said while laughing.

"So a sleepover?" Arlo asked.

"Exactly, Popcorn movies and all," Alec said.

When Our Lives IntertwinedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon