Deleted Chapters

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If you don't know what has happened, the story got a little out of control to a point where I didn't like it and these are the chapters that are a result of that. In the chapter above if you read, that I would create a chapter for deleted chapters and this is it.

‼️None of these chapters are canon anymore and you do not have to read this chapter to continue the story properly‼️

(Pt.24) I miss the color red
I woke up in a cold sweat, the wooden floors hard against my shoulder blades. Maybe wearing a coat to sleep was overkill. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, my vision finally adjusting to the dark room. No one was snoring surprisingly.

I stood up and tiptoed my way around the countless bodies on the floor and existed the house as quietly as possible. The moonlight was especially bright tonight.

We're no architects, but we managed to do it. The final trip was a success, not that it could go wrong. Deeper off the fucking grid we went. And now we have a little cramped shack. I will say though, it's better than a bus. Winter still sucked though. How long has it been since the incident now? A few months?

Everyone's malnourished and miserable and cold and lonely and dirty and tired and quiet. I hate this atmosphere more than I hate tendou, and that's saying a lot.

"(Y/n), come back in. You'll freeze to death." Shimizu called out to me."

"Okay." I smiled. The temperature was even colder inside than it was outside but whatever. "I'll be in in a minute."

I lied.

I walked a little deeper into the dense forest towards the place we had agreed to meet up at. "You ready Bokuto?" I asked.

"You bet!" He smiled, and I returned the favor. He walked slightly ahead of me since there wasn't a specific destination in mind. We walked in silence for a minute. "Hey so, what did you want to tell me-"

I killed him.

It was still tough. I thought aiming for the neck would be easier, but it still took a bit of force. He reached for his neck. "Oops I forgot to pull it out."

I ripped it out slowly, feeling the knife's jagged ends rip his throat apart.


Those were his final words? Weird. At first the blood shot out of the wound I made, then it slowly seeped down his neck. His body fell over, staining the snow. I stood and waited until his blood stopped pumping completely to avoid leaving a blood trail.

I dragged him back to the shack... or at least that was my plan until I remembered he weighs 170 pounds, not to mention dead bodies are like 10 times heavier.

Instead I sat down across from him and leaned up against a tree. "I'm sorry." I said. "It could've been anyone, but you just so happened to be out of luck."

I guess I didn't realized how tired I was. My eyes felt like bricks, so instead of fighting it, I gave in to sleep.


My eyes fluttered open. It was day already? "Hinata,"

I looked over at bokuto, causing hinata's attention to shift too. He looked back at me with his head cocked to the side, and I nodded. Not a word was said but we understood each other perfectly.

"Why?" He asked. He wasn't scared. Neither was I. Our conversational tone sounded so natural, like we were talking about a homework assignment, not a dead body less than five feet away from us.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Wait until they hear this one!" Hinata cheered, running back to camp. I stayed where I was sitting waiting for them to come back.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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