(Pt.1) Oh? Whats this?

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((A/n) Enjoy😊)

"Hey sweetie."

"Hey dad."

"You know where to go right?"

"Yeah you sent the address to me before for emergencies."

"Okay see you soon."

My dad was really the only close family I had. He worked only at the convenience store until recently when he was given a job to coach Karasuno's volleyball team. Some days, when he's out playing volleyball, I keep the convenience store up and running. 

As I checked the register behind the counter, I noticed a duffle bag my dad usually carries around. Inside it contained a bunch of things, but I noticed most were sports related.

'He must've forgot to grab this earlier.' I thought to myself.

I was a second year, but I didn't have a car yet. My dad talks about how before he decided to coach the team, they often stopped by the convenience store for snacks, so the walk to and from the school couldn't have been far.

I grabbed the bag and locked up the store before I left. Just as I thought, the walk wasn't long at all, and it was nice to get outside of the store for a while.

I walked through the school and towards the gym where I knew the volleyball team were practicing. I slid the door open and was met with the sounds of whistles being blown, balls being smacked and hitting the floor, and squeaks from the shoes making contact with the floor. My dad saw me, waved, and walked over. The gym went silent. All the bouncing balls rolled quietly across the floor, the boys stopped moving, and everyones attention was on me.

"Everyone meet my daughter (y/n)!" Coach Ukai said. He hated when I called him dad when he was in the middle of coaching, yet he sounded so proud to introduce me as his daughter to the team.

I had never met the team in person, but I've seen them in pictures, and I've watched some of their games while my dad was doing research so I know quite a bit about their personalities and the way they act.

I waved at everyone, trying to make it less awkward than it already was. The silence was killing me.

"Why don't we all take a break? You guys have been working hard." Coach said.

Chatter filled the room, and it felt more comfortable now, but I've overstayed my welcome. Karasuno wasn't my school, so I couldn't be there for long. I waved goodbye to my dad, turned around, and reached for the handle to the door.

"Oi (y/n)! Why don't you stay for a little while and we can have some fun?" I didn't quite recognize the voice at first, but I turned around and noticed Tsukishima staring me up and down, then adjusting his glasses with one hand.

"No that's okay. I was just leaving-" As I was finishing my sentence, Shimizu-senpai grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the net. "Wait wait wait!" I struggled.

She stopped and looked back at me. "It's okay. You're welcome here anytime, so for your first time being with the volleyball team, wouldn't you like to serve the ball?" Her smile was calming, plus she was the manager. If something were to go wrong, I'm sure she would take care of it.

Please Stay ||Yandere Haikyuu!! x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें