(Pt. 5) Ugh More Competition

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"As you all know, tomorrow, we'll be going to our week long training camp thanks to the coach from nekoma, so when you see him, say thank you. Make sure to get plenty of rest tonight, and have your things ready and be here on time in the morning at 5am. We have a long way to drive. And with that, you guys are dismissed. See you tomorrow." Coach Ukai finished.

Kiyoko let Yamaguchi go so that he could go home, see his parents, get ready for tomorrow and think about the excuse he'd make for a broken nose. As for his head, the damage wasn't bad and was easily covered with his hair. He should be fine half way through the training camp as long as he can avoid getting hit with any balls.

[Your POV]
~~later that night~~

"Hey sweetie, could you come here for a moment?"

"Yeah dad I'm coming." I scrolled a little bit further on my phone before putting it down and heading downstairs to where my father was. "What's up?"

"How would you feel about coming to a training camp with the me and the team?"

"Won't it just be a bunch of boys there though?"

"No no. Kiyoko and yachi should be there, as well as the other managers from the other teams."

"Yachi? Is she from karasuno? I don't think I met her when I brung you your bag."

"She's the person who'll be taking over for Kiyoko since she's a third year. She'll be tagging along with the team so that she can learn about what it takes to be a manager."

"Oh that's cool. I'd like to meet her."

"So you want to go?"

"Yeah sure."

"Oh thank goodness. I know you probably would've been fine here by yourself for the week, but I feel much more at ease knowing you'll be safe with me."

"If that's what you wanted you could've said so from the beginning." I chuckled.

"Yeah yeah. Go pack your bags and get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us."

I did as he said, packing a weeks' worth of clothes and pajamas, and other necessities for the trip. I tried to pick the sportiest attire I had. Stretch pants, jogging pants, jackets, and gym shoes. Things people usually wear when they're working out or playing a sport, then went to sleep.

~~the next morning~~

"You must be Yachi." I said extending my hand out to a girl with blond colored hair.

"Ah y-yes that's me!" She said shaking my hand. She seemed really nervous.

"Sorry if this is a little bold, but I just have to say...you're really pretty."

"Oh thank you." I smiled.

"You're my senpai aren't you? How rude of me." She looked away and smiled.

"It's okay. I'm not too big on formalities anyways. You don't have to be so nervous."

"Thanks." She smiled.

"Okay I think everyone is here. Let's load onto the bus and get this show on the road!" Coach Ukai said.

"Yeah!" Hinata and Nishinoya high fived. It was fun watching those two balls of energy jump around.

For most of the ride, people slept, read books, ate snacks, or played games. As for me, I found myself enjoying the scenery outside of the bus windows.

"Hey (y/n)," Kiyoko tapped my shoulder, "do you know anything about the other teams that are going to be there?"

"Yeah, my dad talks about them a lot when he talks about volleyball."

"Well, I guess now it's something you get to experience for yourself first hand." Kiyoko smiled.

We arrived at the camp and were greeted by the coach of nekoma. We were told to get comfortable, then head down to the gym when we were ready. The boys headed off to their rooms to set their bags down on the second floor while us girls where on the third floor. Every school had one room for their students so me, Kiyoko, and Yachi had such an open space for just the three of us. I could tell other people had been on the floor, but I'm sure they were all in the gym by now.

"Are you two ready? We shouldn't keep them waiting." Kiyoko said keeping a notebook in her hand. Yachi had one too, so I assumed it was a volleyball thing.

"We're ready." I said. We stood up and walked out with Kiyoko. We met the boys on the way down the stairs and went all together.

The doors opened up to a big gym with the familiar sounds you would hear in the middle of a volleyball practice.

"Kenma!" Hinata shouted as he ran towards him. I knew him as the setter to nekoma. He stayed pretty emotionless even as Hinata kneeled down in front of him, but he didn't seem annoyed. Instead, he seemed to enjoyed Hinata's company.


"Oya oya?"

"Oya oya oya?"

Akaashi, bokuto, and Kuroo all appeared in front of tsukishima.

"Glad to see you back four eyes." Kuroo said patting Tsukishima's back just a little bit too hard, but you could tell it was all fun and games.

Everyone already seemed like they were nicely acquainted. The gym felt lively with people practicing and showing each other what they have learned since the last time they met. No official games were being played yet, just everyone chatting and catching up.

"I believe we're waiting for one more school, and then they'll start playing matches for the win." Yachi said excitedly as she watched everyone.

"Aren't we missing one or two teams that were here the last time we played?" Kiyoko asked Coach Ukai.

"Yeah. That's kinda weird. Nekomata didn't tell me anything about this. Oh well, a change in scenery is never bad right?" He smiled, shrugging the incident off.

"Our last team should be here any moment!" Nekomata declared.

As if on queue, the doors to the gym opened. The room went silent. No one was expecting this turn of events. Their bright blue and white track suits focused all of the attention solely on them.

Kageyama stepped forward. "Oikawa?"

"Yahoo, Tobio-chan."

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