KISS World

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As the gang drove down the road Daphne, Shaggy, Scooby, Velma, and Y/n were dressed up as KISS. Fred on the other hand, did not like KISS. Shaggy was dressed as the Demon, Velma was dressed as the Spaceman, Scooby was dressed as the Catman, Daphne was dressed as Starchild, and y/n was dressed as the Fox also known as Eric Carr. Y/n has been a KISS fan for a long time, but the thing is she doesn't remember where she came from, who her parents are. Y/n has been with the Scooby gang since their mystery at Camp Little Moose, the gang knows her very well, well enough to where they know how she thinks.

Shaggy: Like man, I can't believe we get to go to KISS World!

Velma: And solve a mystery, it's like killing two birds with one stone.

Scooby: Reah! Or two birds with one cat.

Y/n: Honestly the only reason why I'm dressed as Eric Carr, is cause Scooby took my most favorite member.

Scooby laughs and playfully nudges y/n.

Velma: It's ok y/n, personally I find their side-show act juvenile, but my mother told me to take a more active role in my friend's interest.

Daphne: Well, I'm pretty interested in Starchild. He's so dreamy.

Fred groans softly and drives over a pothole causing Daphne to mess up her makeup.

Daphne: Hey!

Fred: Sorry everyone.

Daphne: You did that on purpose!

Shaggy: Now it looks like a shooting star, like make a wish Scoob.

Scooby: Uh ok. I wish I was eating a Scooby Snack.

Shaggy: Good one dude. I wish I could breathe fire like the Demon.

Y/n: I wish I could meet Catman.

Fred: I wish you all would come to your senses. You don't see me acting ridiculous over my favorite group The Ascot Five, do you?

Fred puts in a CD, and it starts playing 'Don't Touch My Ascot'. Y/n groaned as the song played.

Y/n: Please for the love of all things KISS, turn it off.

Daphne: Ugh Fred, please.

Daphne turned off the radio.

Y/n: Thank you Daphne.

Fred: I'm just saying they're twice the band KISS is.

Shaggy: But do The Ascot Five have an awesome amusement park?

Scooby: Yeah awesome amusement park?

As the gang pulled up to KISS World, Y/n looked at the statue of the Catman outside, she sighs dreamily as she stared at the statue. The gang got out of the van and started walking towards the front gate.

Daphne: It's like so majorly groovy to be at KISS World on Halloween night.

Shaggy: Like listen to those crowds.

Y/n: This is so exciting, I think I'm going to freak out!

All of a sudden the screams got closer.

Velma: Apparently, you're not the only one.

As the crowds were leaving the park the gang stopped.

Shaggy: Like dude, don't people usually run towards awesome rock concerts?

Fred: Not at an Ascot Five concert. Everyone walks in a nice calm orderly fashion.

Y/n: No wonder people are freaks at your concert Fred.

As Fred glared at Y/n, two stopped to yell something at Shaggy, something about a witch. The gang proceeded to walk to the front gate to be greeted by a woman and two security guards.

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