The Witch

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KISS' merchandising manager comes over with a broom sweeping up the confetti.

Chip: Guys I told you these special effects cost money, you can't use them every time you make an entrance.

Demon sticks out his and yells. Daphne runs up to Starchild hugging and hanging on him fangirling.

Shaggy: Like wow, It's KISS!

Y/n: In person.

Daphne: And in the flesh.

Fred got jealous.

Fred: In the flesh is the same thing as in person, so basically you have said the same thing twice.

Starchild: How can we help, little lady?

Velma: Actually we're here to help you. We're mystery solvers.

Spaceman: That's funny, so are we.

Velma: Wait, you're the one they called for help?

Demon: Yeah they wanted the best, they got the best.

Shaggy: But like you're a rock band.

Catman: Every band needs a hobby.

Catman notice that y/n was looking at him, so he gave her a soft smiled that practically turned her into butter.

Fred: The Ascot Five would welcome our help.

Demon: Well I guess we're no Ascot Five, so scram.

Him, Spaceman, and Catman started laughing.

Fred: Oh yeah? Well amusement park cases happen to be our specialty, we solved the 'foul play in funland' case, stopped the Roller Ghoster in his tracks, and captured the monster of Our Lady of Mercy's parking lot. I guess that was more of a street fair.

Spaceman: That's cute. But we solve mysteries on a cosmic level.

Y/n: What does that mean?

Demon: It means we don't need your help.

Starchild pulled Demon and the other into a huddle.

Starchild: Hold on guys, let's not be hasty.

Catman: What?

Spaceman: Really?

Demon: Not again.

Starchild: You know how the eye sees everything, well I just caught a glimpse of the future.

Demon: Yeah, and I bet the future is a red head.

Starchild: Heh you bet, I mean in a way. Don't ask me how or why but I think we're going to needs these kids to help catch that witch

Spaceman: You're kidding, they're just humans.

Catman: Not even all of them.

Starchild: I know, but the eye never lies. I also think that the other girl, the one that Catman likes, is the one we've been searching for all these years.

Catman: You mean The Holder?

Starchild: Yeah. Sooner or later we're going to have to tell her. Catman you're going to tell her because she has more of a fondness for you.

Spaceman: I guess they're ok.

Catman: If you think so Starchild.

Demon: I do not like this.

KISS turned to the Scooby gang.

Starchild: On second thought, we've decided you can help.

Daphne: That's wonderful! I guess the first question is, who is this witch everyone is talking about?

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