Chapter 1

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The night is cold and dark, and the cold crisp air runs through the trees making them sway back and forth as the moonlight shines upon the ground in a beautiful white light; If the older Cullen Woman was not already Colder than death itself, She would find herself clinging on to anything warm Due to the night's harshness.

She runs through the woods on top of the mountain, Deep within the night and winter, She's been out for hours by herself hunting, And like many nights of hunting she finds herself not full.

She's not that far from her home and family though, She's not very close either. Her husband and love of her life offered to come with her, But she wanted to go alone;

She does not often hunt by herself, but when she does, it's because she needs alone time, something that she's glad her husband of so many decades understands, he too needs his alone time too, though his is usually spent in his study amongst his books.

Esme, Loves her family, she would do anything for them, she's proven that time and time again, but sometimes she needs a break, she needs to be alone.

She needs to get away from the arguing, And the disagreements, and don't even get her started on Rosalie and Emmett, and recently, Not even a decade ago, Edward and Bella.

She's glad That the family got Edward and Bella their own home back in forks when they got married, But as of 3 years ago they are no longer in forks, they had to move away because the townspeople were starting to get suspicious of them due to them not aging;

So they moved here, to a small town in North Carolina up in the mountains away from civilization but not too far, As to not draw suspicion.

This is the first time surprisingly they've ever had a home in North Carolina, they  had it built a few months before moving,
So it's new, modern, but with a old touch to it; the way they built the house–or rather, the way Esme designed the house, was to have a modern/old Feel to it.

It's a six bedroom six bath, Three studies,  One gaming room for Emmett, one music room for Edward and Nessy, one small library for Bella and Carlisle, one giant garage for Rosalie and Jacob, And a giant sewing room for Alice home, Or rather mansion, With a great family room/kitchen.

Esme is very proud of herself for the way she designed the home, Everyone loves it and she would be lying to herself if she said she was not extremely impressed with her skills.

Out of all of the homes they have around the country, and the world, Esme would have to say this is definitely in her top three,
she's not sure exactly where she would put it, but it's up there.

But the home that they have in forks Washington will always be her favorite, Because it has a special place in her heart for many reasons.

"Perhaps maybe it's time I–" Esme is cut off from her thoughts as a strong and very powerful smell of blood comes through the forest, but not just any blood, Human, And it causes her to stop dead in her tracks And her body to tins.

"NO–!" A scream was heard not far from where Esme is, to her right, a woman, as if screaming for her life before it's ended cut off And following it silence, but now with an even stronger smell of blood.

Esme, Out of instinct and curiosity and concern, Esme takes off without a second thought towards the direction of the scream, and it's not long till she gets there and when she does she is stopped by a horrifying site;

Before her is two dead women covered in their own blood staining the white snow beneath them, and a girl no more than probably five or six standing over them, covered in blood herself But not that of her own, no, it is the women's blood, covering her face and staining her light Olive skin  And drenching her dark Violet hair, that is loose and almost touching the ground due to its length.

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