Chapter 19

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Fayette walked through mirror and when she reached the other side she was met with another mirrored room, similar to the one she was just in and she avoided the eyes of the people, Fairies, Vampires even a few witches that were gathered in the room awaiting for everyone to arrive through the mirror, and she move out of the way so Jane and the others could walk through.

"Fay Fay?" Orpheus spoke, his voice soft as usual.

"Yes, My sweet boy?" Fayette asked her crow friend, and looked at him on her shoulder and ignored A few looks that came her way at her response to the crow.

"This place is cold and dark." He said, And did a little tap motion on her shoulder showing his disdain for the temperature In the room, which did not affect her much given that she's always half cold.

Temperature has never really been a problem for her.

"I know sweet boy." She replied. "But we are going to have to get used to it, this is our home now." Fayette spoke the words with a slight bite in her tone, Still unhappy with the fact that this castle, the very one that she was taken from is now her home.

"Oh wonderful," Bellatrix said, her voice with uninthusiasm. "Just what I always wanted, To leave in a dark dreary castle!"

Fayette couldn't help the slight chuckle that slipped past her lips, So light like a feather that she knew humans wouldn't be able to hear it but She knew those around her did, but She paid no mind. She found her first animal friend's words to be of amusement, Which is something she usually doesn't.

It's hard to amuse Fayette.

"Heidi," Aro's voice spoke, And Fayette and her animal friends turned her attention to the vampire king who was already looking at the vampire he called too. "Show the Cullen's to their respectable rooms on the second floor,"

"Where will Fayette be staying?" Esme  quickly asked the question, that was on all of the Cullen's minds including Fayette's.

The king or rather, King's and queens and others in the room turns to the mother of the Cullen's. "She will be staying on the fifth floor, With myself, The other King's and Queens and Princess and Princesses."

"No." The little voice in Fayette's mind spoke, it came out quick and loud and almost caused the quarter ferry to jump due to surprise.

"Go away." Fayette told the voice, not wanting to deal with it right now and just wanting it to go away.

"And what room might she be staying in?" Rubina asked, with her arms slightly crossed over her chest and close to Fayette. "The same one that she was taken from Nearly three years ago?" At the redheads words a few low and deep growls were heard throughout the room, And a few of the vampires eyes darkened but the redhead beside the half vampire did not flinch, She only smiled in response.

"What are you implying?" Queen Sulpicia asked the fairy master, But the tone of her voice let Fayette know that she knew what it was her Master meant with her words, She knew the true meaning behind them she just wanted the redhead to repeat them more clearly.

A challenge of sorts, If one would.

A tension started to feel in the air, Then a wave of calm from Jasper came through, trying his best to calm everyone in the room down before anything could happen and Fayette let out a sigh, Already growing tired with this conversation and it hasn't even been but a few moments.

"Be mad at my Master all you want she speaks true." Fayette spoke, Her voice coming out as usual with no emotion,  Getting everyone in the room's attention upon her and she locked eyes with the vampire Queen who is one of her grandmothers. "I may not have my memories but the thought of being anywhere near the room where I was taken or the floor where I was taken brings me a slight discomfort, How can I be sure that someone will not try to take me again?  They were successful in doing it before, What's stopping them from being brave enough to try to do it again?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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