Chapter 6

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When the Two got back to the house they were surprised to see that Esme Had already had food ready for them laid out on the table, A variety of fruits and a Vegetarian meal called Caprese Pasta Salad.

And after a quick thank you the two did not hesitate to eat their food And after they ate they spent the rest of the day getting to know each other more, Ehat they like  Dislike and so forth.

Rubina learned that Fayette has many interest, And is more intelligent than she imagined. The girl can speak Greek, French, Italian, Russian, and ancient latin. She has a great respect and fascination with astrology,  And history. Specifically Greek and Roman history, And she has a slight fascination with cleopatra. She loves reading, and writing, and learning. And she also Is loves drawing, and painting, And knows her way around fashion surprisingly.

Which probably surprised the red head the most, Her knowledge of fashion is very Wide for a girl her age.

And Fayette, Learned that Rubina Is a Roman, Or rather of Roman desceit which makes sense and did not surprise the girl given that her name is an Italian one.

The purple haired girl also learned that the red head Despite her being an artifact of history hates it, Although she loves poetry, Making her own jewelry, Which is something she is going to teach the little Fairy to do given that it's a part of their tradition and customs.

She also learned that Rubina Loves fighting, Has a very childish sense of humor sometimes, Has a deep love and respect for animals along with nature, And She loves dancing and is quite the dancer, And that her favorite color is green specifically Emerald green and forest green, Saying that those are her Two best colors along with white.

And the red head can also play the harp, Which probably surprised Fayette the most, She would not have taken the woman to be A musician let alone a player of the harp.

But she is and after their conversation and getting to know one another, They spend the rest of their time alone just talking about many things, Mysteries of life from so forth.  And by the time they were through The Rest of the Cullen's had come home, And took the Little Fairy away from the older one.

And the little Fairy spent the rest of her day spending time with each one of the Cullen Siblings, Doing different things And getting to know them all more and by the time the sun had set And the moon was almost at its fullest peak, The girl fell asleep While listening to Jasper talk about the Civil War,  Which The man took as a compliment and offered to take her to bed.

And when she woke up Three hours later screaming and being comforted by Esme,  She went back to doing what she did before she fell asleep, And when the Sun came up she started her first day of Training, If That's the word to use.

Rubina started off by teaching her how to use her connection with nature To manipulated in different ways, And to say that the girl is a prodigy would be an understatement, The redhead was completely astonished and amazed with her skills and talent, And found herself becoming glad that she Took the girl on as her apprentice.

The red head then moved on to teaching her To control her mind reading, And even taught her how to use it to connect to other people's minds as well, Which didn't take the girl long to master given her talent.

And before they knew it she was communicating with everyone Via the mind,  Which made Nessy extremely happy, For some reason. And after that the older Fairy helped her in learning how to better use her Version of telekinesis, The best she could.

And after that they moved on to her impact ability, But there was not much they could do on that part, The girl is unfortunately like Jasper, She cannot turn it off which made her slightly upset but she quickly got over it. And after that they realized that it was getting dark, So they decided that it was best to end the day And go back inside.

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