Chapter 18

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It didn't take but Fayette a few moments to explain everything to her master, And to say that the red headed woman was not beyond shocked and angry would be an understanding, She was absolutely furious.

And after a few moments of rambling from the red head and her throwing out her theories of who it was, A few of the Elder's names coming into question, She finally calmed down with the help of Fayette And the Three of them decided that it is best to keep it between the Three of them for now, And keep aware of their surroundings and everyone around them, And try to find clues or anything that could Help them in finding out who it, aad once they do they will go from there.

And after their conversation and planning, Jane took her leave, Deciding That it would the best for her to take her leave and leave the student and master to conversate amongst themselves privately, And after giving a long goodbye to Fayette She left and the second she did Rubina open her mouth and it did not close for several moments, Maybe even a half hour, The half a vampire is not sure.

Her master talked her ear off, Almost quite literally. Rubina told Fayette about the almost fight that broke out after she passed out amongst The Cullen's and everyone else in the ballroom, That she was not informed about until that moment, Which upset her a great deal mainly because it was kept from her, But she posted aside.

And her master made sure to make slight comments about the similarities between both her her Mother, Father, And even her grandmother, Queen Calista. With whom the red red head said she sounds most like, And Fayette would be lying if she said she did not see it.

And after several moments of almost excruciating listening, Her master was through, And even though she still could not believe it, Believed that her student Is Queen and princess Sophie's daughter, She told Fayette how happy she is for her, Not only that she has found her family, Her original home, But That she has a bit of closure.

She may not have her memories and she may not know what happened to her in the events of her capture, But She has a bit of closure, And sometimes that's better than nothing.

And the dark purple haired half vampire could not agree more,

And finally, After the student and master were through talking, Through discussing and the redhead finally became quiet, It was her animal friend's turn, And if she thought Rubina Was going to talk her ears off Bellatrix and Orpheus did.

The Two kept going on and on one after the other at Fayette, About how not only they were happy for her but, How they couldn't believe that she's an actual princess in flesh. They also said that they cannot wait to get to know everyone as Fayette does, Which somewhat made the fairy smile, Before it was taken from her by Bellatrix, Who asked her when she was going to give her first animal friend some of that princess money, Which Fayette did not respond to.

And after they were finally through and the half vampire got a few words from Patra, Of mostly about how happy she is for Fayette, Everyone finally calmed down and the room became calm and silent, And Rubina left to go fetch Fayette bags and when she came back the red head decided upon herself to stay with Fayette, Not feeling comfortable leaving her students side especially in the middle of the night after what her and Jane told her;

Fayette understood, And did not complain about it, And in fact, She was happy that her master told her that she was staying with her for the Rest of the night because she didn't feel comfortable leaving her side,
It made Fayette extremely happy. And she found herself feeling lucky that she has such a master who cares so deeply about her and her safety.

It made her feel deeply cared about and loved; And at the end of the day, That's all Fayette really wants from life. To feel loved and cared for,

And after taking a shower and changing into more comfortable clothes, A white long sleeve victorian dress shirt, Loose long fitting, Deep forest green dress pants with green and white checkered pattern converse with gold trim, That matched perfectly with The gold ring that she put on her left index finger, Right middle finger, And The Cullen's crest ring on her left pinkie And to top the outfit off she put on the Silver Locket that was found with Her, Bringing a bit of silver into the outfit bringing it together and finishing it off with Her hair up in a loose fitting messy bun, Which doesn't really look Messy at all and a small woven light brown gold buckled belt.

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