all eyes on me

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Juhee loved award shows.

Of course, she didn't quite love them as much when the broadcasting companies were treating BTS as though they were some sort of joke back in the early days when they had debuted, and whilst a part of her held a grudge against them for it, she had tried to move on, supporting her fellow idols, seniors and juniors.

She also loved the performances they provided to fans, working and tweaking the choreographies of songs to make them sensational. 

The fashion was another plus. Stylists went all out each year for every single award show, and nothing was ever the same.

But the best part of them had to be the end, when everyone was backstage, talking, chattering and laughing about anything and everything, holding onto to the precious few minutes that they had to see the ones they had missed for so long.

"Juhee, are you done yet?" Seokjin's voice drifted over as the Hwang girl straightened the belt that accentuated her waist.

"Yeah, I'm coming,"

She emerged from the dressing room, greeting the boys who all looked dapper in the dark suits, hair neatened and combed to perfection. The press would eat it up.

She had earned herself appreciative whistles and soft grins, the occasional look of disapproval at the short hem.

"You look amazing as always!" Hoseok beamed, carefully pulling her into a hug so she didn't crinkle her dress.

"Thank you, Hobi hyung," Juhee's eyes sparkled with love as she turned to others. "Cat got your tongues?"

It wasn't that they didn't know Juhee could dress up well. They knew it far too well, and at each and every function, she always managed to look radiant. But every time it was a reminder of how fast she was growing up, how the fifteen year old that they had once known was becoming a beautiful young woman.

"You're gorgeous, Juhee, and no-one needs to tell you," Namjoon smiled softly, offering his arm. "Now, let's go before we're late,"


They weren't late, idols were just coming through, sending each other the ocassional smile and brief nod towards one another, but with cameras watching their every move, they could not afford much more.

Juhee was aware of the looks she was getting, particularly from the males that she passed, both idols and not, but had her gaze focused upon the back of Jungkook's head.

As soon as they had taken a seat, a debate had already sprung up.

"Everyone's staring at Juhee," Taehyung grinned. 

"They look at her in any wrong way..." Yoongi trailed off, his voice low as he watched the other idols.

"You won't do anything," Juhee said firmly. "It always happens before an award show, nothing has changed,"

"Oh trust me it has," Jimin muttered. "You're twenty-three, Juhee, and to a lot of those male idols, you look extremely desirable,"

"Noona probably doesn't even care," Jungkook smirked, watching the older girl who seemed to like the looks she was getting. "You're loving this aren't you?"

"All eyes on me is something that I'm getting fond of, yes," The Hwang girl answered with a sly smile. "But that doesn't mean I'm narcissistic,"

"We look at you all the time," Jin rolled his eyes. "What makes this any different?"

"You look at me like I'm a fly who needs to be swat, hyung,"

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