chapter four

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I wake up and open my eyes. This is Landos room. I must've fallen asleep here last night. 
"Shit", I say and get up very fast.
"God what's wrong?", Charles asks a little annoyed because I just woke him up.
"Valeria was alone the whole night", I say and open the door. In front of me stands Lando with my daughter on his arm. 
"Don't worry. I slept in your room. She wasn't alone", he says and laughs.
"You could've woken me up Lando", I say feeling a little guilty.
"Oh don't worry. She's a nice little girl.", he says and smiles.
"Hey Val how did you sleep?", I ask her and she gives me a hug.
"Good", she says and gives me a kiss.
"I wanted to tell you he slept in your room but you wouldn't wait", Charles grunts from the other side of the room.
"You knew?", I ask him.
"Yes. I stayed here so you wouldn't be alone in Landos room tonight. We thought it would be good to have someone here to explain you the whole situation. And plus, I didn't want to go back to my room sop I just crashed here too", he says still with his eyes closed.
"And still you failed your job", Lando says and looks at him pretending to be mad.
"Oh whatever", Charles says and turns to the other side.
"He's a little grumpy in the morning", Lando says while looking at Charles.
"Wouldn't have guessed that", I joke and pick Val up.
"Are you hungry?", I ask her and she nods. "Good. Wake up Charles so we can go eat breakfast together.", I say and she runs over to him and lays on top of him. "Charlie. Wake up. I'm hungry", she says and laughs.
"Okay let me get up then", he says in the nicest voice ever and Landos mouth drops. 
"Why are you not so nice to me when I wake you up in the morning. Do I have to jump on top of you too in the future?", he asks trying to sound disappointed. 
"No Lando. You're just a pain in my ass in the morning. You're so annoying mate", he says and looks at Lando grumpy again. His faces chances fast again and he picks up Val and walks towards the door.
"Let's get breakfast then Val", he says and smiles at her before he opens the door and walks out.
Lando looks at me shocked but I just shrug my shoulders and laugh before I run to catch up with them. 
"Wait for me", Lando shouts from behind and just gets inside the elevator before it closes.
"Thanks for holding up the door", he says and gives us this disappointed look again. I just laugh and wait until the door opens again. Val storms out of the elevator towards the restaurant. There is a huge buffet with a lot of different variations for breakfast.
"Come on Val. Let's get you something to eat", I say and take her hand. We walk around and try to find something she likes. We find some toast and butter and put it on a plate along with some pancakes and waffles. 
"Look uncle Lando", she says and proudly shows Lando what she got for breakfast.
"Wow that looks delicious", he says and smiles at her. 
She sits down next to him and starts eating her breakfast. Charles soon joins us too and we all eat breakfast together. 
"Look Charlie", she says and shows him her pancakes too.
"They look awesome. Where did you get them?", he asks her and she gets up and takes her hand. She starts leading them towards the place where she got the pancakes.
"She really likes him", he says and laughs but I can still see some jealousy showing on his face. 
"Yes she does.", I answer and continue to eat my breakfast.
"Why? I mean she knows him for three days now and is already obsessed with him."
"Lando I have no clue. Maybe she just likes his personality"
"Or his looks", he says.
"Is someone jealous there?", I ask.
"No I am not. It's just that, that she always was like that with me and now she's all over him and does't even want to show me where she got the pancakes from"
"Lando you have some on your plate too. She's not dumb you know?"
"I know but you know what I mean", he says with a sad tone.
"Don't worry Lando. You're still very important to her. She loves you so much. She asks me almost everyday if we can visit you. Don't worry okay?", I say and give him a comforting look.
"Alright", he says and manages to fake a smile.
Charles and Val come back with a pile of pancakes.
"Wow you got a lot of them", I say and laugh.
"Yes Charles was hungry and these are for uncle Lando", she says and gives him some of them. His face lights up and he seems a little happier now.
"See she didn't forget you", I whisper to him and he smiles at me.

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