chapter nineteen

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Everything's black. Just black. No lights and no voices. Just silence. I can't move and I can't feel my body. I start panicking and feel like I can't breathe.  I struggle for a few seconds before my mind goes blank again.

When I get conciouss again I start hearing voices around me and something beeping. I have no clue what's happening and to be honest it's kind of freaking me out. I try to open my eyes and manage after a few tries. At first, only a bit light manages to come through but time by time they open more and I can see white walls. Actually the white ceiling.

"Ava" I hear someone call out faintly. I turn my head to look at them and smile at the familiar face.

"Lando" I say quietly, a smile forming on my face.

"Thank God. We've been so worried" he says, his voice breaking.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You don't remember?" he asks me, and I slightly shake my head.

"What do you remember?" he asks.

"Uhm, Redbull just offered me a seat in formula one, I think" I say, and watch as his eyes go wide.

"Did I just dream this?" I ask him.

"No, you didn't" he says, and looks down clearly thinking about something.

"Lando, what's wrong?" I ask him. He takes a deep breath and wants to say something before the door opens. I watch the one and only Charles Leclerc walk inside with my daughter on his hips.

"Why did you give my daughter to Leclerc?" I ask him angrily. 

"Ava" I hear Charles call out but look at Lando still with an angry expression. Leclerc wants to walk over to me but Lando blocks him from doing so. 

"What's wrong?" I hear Leclerc ask Lando as he guids him outside.

Val hugs me tightly when I hear a loud "What?" outside in the hallway. I hear someone stomping away loudly before Lando comes inside again. He looks at me with an apologetic look before he sits down again.

"Would you care to explain what's happening right now?" I ask him, stroking my daughters hair.

"It's a long story" he says overwhelmed.

"It can't be that bad" I say smiling.

It was bad. Really bad. Apperently I've already drove a few races for Redbull in formula one and I have a secret relationship with Charles Leclerc. At first I laughed at Lando but I soon realized that he was being serious about everything. He told me from the first time I met Charles and everything until Barcelona. He also told me about Juan showing up at the garage and telling me that he wants to see Val more or even fight for custody. He also said that's why I crashed. Because I was so angry and driving angressivly. 

"What?" I ask him, trying to process it.

"Don't worry. You don't need to get it just now. But, do you really not remember?" 

"No" I say, looking down at my fingers. 

"When's the next GP?" I ask him.

"In six days" he says confused but his expression quickly becomes serious as he realizes my intentions. "You're not driving. Ava, for what I know you could've been dead after what happened. You can't drive again already. You need to rest"

"But if you say that I'm driving for the championsship then I need to. Lando, I need the points" I say, and he shakes his head frantiqually.

"No way" he says, and my parents enter. They greet me happily and Lando tells them about everything.

"How did Charles take it?" my mother ask, and Lando shakes his head. I can't help but feel a little sorry for not remembering when I see the reaction of my parents. It looks as if they actually like him.

"How are you?" my dad asks me.

"Great actually. If we're forgetting the part with the memoryloss" I say with a slight smile.

"She wants to drive on sunday" Lando says.

"No way" my mother says.

"Why not? I feel great" I say, and we start discussing. At some point we switch to Spanish and Lando and my dad leave the room. My mother and I only stop when the doctor enters the room.

"Hello, Miss Garcia. How are you feeling?" he asks me.

"Great" I say.

"Your friend told me about the memoryloss. Apperently you're missing the last six to seven months?" he asks.

"Apperently, yes" I say, and watch him write something down. He asks me a few other questions before he turns to walk out again but I stop him.

"When can I drive again?" I ask him.

"We would have to do some tests-"

"Great. Can we start them now" I say, and his mouth opens a little in surprise. I guess he wasn't prepared for my wish to drive again after the accident I just had.


It's now five days later and I'm still here. Lando had to leave for Melbourne with me being stuck here in a hospitalroom. The smell and the food are starting to annoy me a little.

"Good Morning Ava. We have great news. You're free to go. Looks like you're perfectly fine apart from the bruises" the doctor says. They've been testing me non-stop the past few days. 

My mother shoots me a smile, as she sees my excitement. 

We're out of there in about an hour and I start making a few calls. 

"What are you doing?" my dad asks me.

"Trying to catch a plane later" I say.

"But you're not driving" my mother says.

"Yes, mama. I won't. I want to go there to support Lando and try to get some of my memories back"

"Are you going to talk to him?" she asks me, and I pause for a second. Of course I wanted to but I feel kind of embarassed for not remembering. After what my best friend and my parents told me, he was very special to me. Even to Val. She's been asking for him and the others a lot. 

"Of course. I have to" I say.

"You have to do nothing" my dad says.

"But I want to" I say, looking at my background on my phone. It's a picture of Charles with Val. Somehow, I didn't want to change it. I like the picture. It's them on a night out, both eating icecream smeared all around their mouths. I smile at the picture.

"Are we going to see Lando and Charles?" Val asks me to my left.

"Of course we are" I say and smile at my daughter. At least she remembers him. I hope I will too. I have to remember him. I have to remember Charles.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for so long but I had a lot on my mind and a lot of school stuff to do. Also, I wasn't very motivated to keep on writing this story. I'll decide in the sooner future if I'm going to continue writing this story. Only if you would like to of course. Would you guys want me to continue or not? And also, I have a few other fanfics uploaded if you'd consider reading something else than f1.

Thanks for your support <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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