chapter seventeen

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Charles and I walk out of my driverroom. He pulls up the zipper from his racesuit again.
"Was great to see you" he says with a cheecky smile on his face.
"The pleasure's all mine" I say smirking back at him.
"Oh, I know. I heard" he says, and laughs as I slap him onto the shoulder.
"See you later" he says, and walks away. I follow about two minutes later. I see a few of them standing in a circle infront of the redbull garage. I walk up to them and stand next to Lando. He puts an arm around my shoulder.
"Lets go out" Lando says. 
"Yeah. Lets celebrate your win" Pierre says.
"Where?" I ask.
"Let that be my problem. I'll see you at eight in the lobby" Daniel says, and we all laugh. The guys congratulate me on my win before we go seperate ways. I gather my things together in my driverroom and get to my car. I'm driving a ferrari this weekend. I just couldn't say no when they told me I could drive it. I get inside, almost feeling bad for getting the seats all sticky. After all, the champaign is still all over me. I drive back to the hotel and get straight inside the shower. It feels good to wash the day off of me. All the car scent and sweat and champaign. 
When I finally finish, it's already seven. The celebrating did take a little long, I guess. 
I start putting on my makeup and make my hair. That takes about one and a half hour, since I'm kind of trying tonight. I'm actually happy to go out. That doesn't happen very often, if we're honest. 
I put my dress and my shoes on. I'm wearing a black, tight dress. It has a very low cut and shows much clevage. It does cover my ass perfectly though. My hair is curled into lossen curls and I did sort of a smokey eye look. I never did that, that's why it took me so long. 

I get my bag and leave my room. I'm already ten minutes late by the time I arrive in the lobby We're all staying in the same hotel, so that's kind of practical. We can all go home together then.
"You look awesome" Lando says, and gives me a hug.
"Thank you. Are we ready to leave?" I ask. 
"I think everybody's here" Daniel says.
"You look really good" Pierre and Carlos tell me. I obviously thank them.
"Lets go" Daniel says and everybody starts walking towards the exit.
I feel someone's hands on my hips and feel the person leaning forward a little. I look down at their hands and notice the rings and bracelets they're wearing. My skin starts tingling a little.
"You look beautiful" Charles whispers into my ear. I giggle a little. 
"Thank you" I say, and smile at him. We quickly catch up to the others and get inside the taxis Daniel got for us. I get inside one with Charles, Daniel and Lando.
"Where are you taking us tonight?" I ask Daniel.
"To the fanciest club in whole Melbourne" he says proudly.
"It's probably not even half as good as you say" Lando says, clearly trying to mock Daniel. 
"Yes it is" Daniel says in a serious voice. I look over at Charles, as we both giggle a little. They're like little children sometimes. 

The ride there takes about twenty minutes. As we get out, I see two bodyguards standing infront of a door. Inside are lights of all colours and you can hear the music already. 
"Follow me" Daniel says grinning, and we follow him inside. 
The club is huge. There are lots of people dancing there. They're all dressed pretty fancy and are quite wealthy looking. A few of them turn their heads, as they see us. They must've recognized us. Daniel leads us to a big, round table and we all sit down. It takes about ten seconds until the first round of shots arrives. We all take one and hold it up into the air.
"To our Australian Grand Prix winner" Lando shouts, and we all laugh before taking the shot. It's tingling in my throat. We order a few other rounds until at least I feel a little tipsy. 

"Are you coming dancing?" I ask Charles, but he shakes his head.
"I need a few minutes" he says.
"Come on Charlie"
"No, give me a few minutes and then I'll come" he says chuckling.
"Well, I guess I have to go alone then" I say, and walk away. He can't even say no, before I've already walked off. I walk into the crowd and start dancing with some girls. They immediately take me in and start dancing with me. We have a lot of fun, until a guy comes up behind me.
"Hello beautiful" he says. I look back to see a tall, blonde, wide smiling guy standing behind me.
"Nope" I say and start walking away. He goes on to follow me but I'm faster than him and manage to flee. I find Lando, George, Max, Pierre and Daniel dancing a little on the outside of the crowd. You can easily see the table from here, where Charles and Carlos are sitting, talking about something.
"Can I dance with you guys?" I ask with a smile, and they all nod. We continue dancing all together. At some point, I'm prety close dancing with Pierre. I could care less though. Charles loss if he doesn't want to dance. I catch Charles' eyes looking my body up and down.
"Dance" I mouth to him, and he immediately gets up. Looks like I've finally convinced him.

He dances his way over to us and joins the circle. He keeps coming closer and closer, until he dances up behind me. He leans down close to my ear and says: "Never dance this close with Pierre again"
I turn around, smirking at him. "And what if I liked it?" 
"That's not what it sounded like last night Ava" he says, sending shivers down my whole body. He spent the last night at my room, obviously. 
"Fuck you Charles" I say grinning a little.
"Gladly" he says, and smirks at me.
I punch his shoulder playfully and start dancing again. The others didn't seem to have noticed the little moment me and Charles shared. We all continue dancing for another good hour, before we decide to take a small break. We order a few drinks and all sit down together. 
Suddenly, Lando runns off.
"Where is he going?" I ask.
"Djing" Carlos says smiling.
"I need to see that" I shout, and get up. I start walking where Lando just walked. The dancefloor is even more crowded now. I do know where the stage is though. I can see Lando through the people, when someone grabs my wrist. 
"Here you are" the man from earlier says.
"Still no" I say, and want to keep walking but tightens his grip.
"Where are you going? I want to get to know you before you walk off again" he says with a grin on his face.
"Let go off me, now" I say annoyed now.
"Come on, just one dance"
"No, thanks. Now let go off me before I call security" I say.
"Don't be so bitter. What are you going to tell them? That I wanted to treat you a drink?" he says and chuckles.
"Do you know who I am?" I ask him.
"I asked, if you know who I am?" 
"No. Should I?" he asks and chuckles.
"Yeah you should. Because I can get you kicked out of that club in seconds, and belive me, don't even get me started on the guys I'm here with"
"That's not a flex girl. It makes you look like a slut" he says getting angry.
"Did you watch the GP today?" I ask.
"Formula one?"
"Yeah" I say. A grin forms on my face, as his face goes pale.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know-" he says nervously but gets interrupted
"Get the fuck out of here" I hear behind me. I don't even have to turn around to know who it is. The guy looks a little shocked, standing there like he's frozen.
"Did you not hear me right? Get the fuck out of here before I make you" Charles says. 
The guy then fastly disappears. 
"Thank you" I say.
"Oh you did great. I've heard a little of the conversation. You did a fantastic job on scaring off that dumbass" he says, and chuckles.
"Thank you," I say again. "Now lets see how Lando djs. I need to see that"
I grab his hand and pull him towards the stage. 

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