Chapter 13

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I was right about that being the plane we was getting on as Lily helped me pack outfits and essentials for the weekend as soon as she arrived. I say she helped me but she basically packed for me as she threw things at me to put in my suitcase. She didn't want to be late to the airport as we had to go through security and customs before we even got to the gates, where we could board the plane.

The flight hadn't felt as long as the one so Sakhir, even though it was pretty much the same amount of time from Monaco to Saudi Arabia. As he said, Pierre was waiting outside of the airport that arrived at, with Daniel, who was smiling like he hadn't seen us for months.

"You managed to get her here?" Daniel laughed as we got into the back of their car. As I thought before, Lily clearly knew that talking to my maman would force me to come whether I liked it or not and Daniel and Pierre seemed to be in on this plan as well. "You definitely made it for the first race" Daniel said looking back at us and pointing at the time on his phone. It was early hours of the morning and all I wanted to do was go to the hotel room so that I could go to sleep ready for the rest of the day ahead.

"I didn't have a choice" I said answering his question that had been aimed at Lily. He looked back at me waiting for more to come out of my mouth "but i'm not complaining." He smiled at the last part and Pierre laughed as he could see me in the rear view mirror fighting to keep my eyes open after the plane ride, which I couldn't sleep on because the constant turbulence.

"Lily, did you come to see your boyfriend?" Pierre asked, attempting to wind Lily up about her and Lando's newly formed relationship. She shook her head but I knew it was only because he referred to him as her boyfriend because there was no way that she didn't want to see him, especially since he was the one that invited her.

The car ride wasn't long but it consisted of Daniel changing songs every few minutes until he found a good song that we would all sing along too. He would then do the same until he found another song he liked enough to allow to play fully. With how Daniel acted, I felt like he was still drunk from the weekend before as when he was intoxicated he had the same personality however his volume level was maximised.

Saudi Arabia was very similar to Sakhir as you can imagine and it was also just as hot. Even though it was 4 in the morning you could feel mugginess once out of the car. I took my jacket off when we got out of the car to enter the hotel as it felt like it was stuck to my skin as I'd wore it the whole plane and car journey.

As you would expect the hotel was quiet as nobody was awake, except from Daniel and Pierre, who had woke up specifically to pick us up. Daniel walked in with us as Pierre drove the car into the garage, which was around the other side of the hotel. Lily had already had the rooms sorted out so we didn't need to go through any complications such as waiting for the rooms to be available or paying for the room. We had separate rooms this time as there was a deal on where you could get two rooms for the price of one, which was quite convenient for us.

We waited a little while for Pierre to join us before making our way into the elevator, which took us up floor by floor. We stopped at the fourth floor and Pierre showed us where our rooms were, both of them being at separate ends of the hallway.

Pierre explained to us that there were a few of the drivers on this level, including Lando and Max. As well as this, this hotel floor and the one above wasn't open to the public as the hotel didn't want any reporters or paparazzi following the drivers and other formula 1 team members around just as much as the drivers and staff didn't want them following them around either. Before leaving, both boys made sure we were comfortable in our rooms, which was very gentlemen like and me and Lily said goodnight to each other as we parted.

I slept past my alarm and woke up later than I planned to, which wasn't a great start to the day as I looked at the time on my phone and realised I had missed the first practice. I knew that Lily would already be there along with all the others and tried to figure whether I had enough time to get there for Practice 2.

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