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Liyana bluebell:

Another week came and went, and then the next. This Friday dawned upon me as a relief as I was in desperate need of a weekend. I clocked in and worked through two hours of polite, tight smiles and regurgitation of the same phrases. Then like clockwork, that same man entered the cafe quietly, his ghost like  steps unnoticed seemingly by everyone. I watched him out of my peripheral vision as he took a seat in that same booth as always and took up looking out of the window with such intensity if i was the glass id have melted into a puddle.

Get you a man who looks at you like that.

Okay I should stop staring, I know. 

But pretty people make that difficult.

After a while he made his way to the till and I felt my face heat at the thoughts that entered my mind.

"Fancy seeing you here on this fine Friday afternoon" 

Gosh, why did i choose this moment to speak like some posh guy.

We made eye contact briefly and he nodded,

"2 brownies please"

"They're actually just coming out of the oven. I'll plate them up n bring them to your table, is that okay?"

He nodded shortly, his eyes trained on the worktop. Having payed, he  made his away across the room silently, and at that movement I wished deeply that I told him to wait at the till as a chance to strike up a conversation.

I plated the brownies and took them over, my apron skirt swaying slightly as a breeze came in when i passed the open door. 

It was actually a cute skirt thingy, with scapolled detailing bordering the edge and very aesthetic old coffee stains splashed across that are impossible to get out. Apparently you don't get brand new, nice uniform until you've had the job for a while.

So im 'samatha' with the stained uniform.

"Mind if i join you" i asked him after placing the plates down. 

Gosh why did i ask that?

His silence should've been an indication he didnt want to speak to me but i couldn't help myself for some reason.

His face contorted in s mix of disdain and confusion, as if   the word no was dancing on the tip of his tongue but nodded nonetheless,

"Chatting isn't my specialty though" his gravelly voice spoke.

I have issues, like serious issues because that alone made me swoon. I clearly have no interaction with the male species apart from fictional books that i spend my free time getting lost in.

My current obsession is  Aaron Warner,

 but it could very well be this man.

"Well that's fine, i can chat enough for the both of us"

He sighed and gave me a look that showed he had realised as much. 

Well i guess im predictable or something.

"So what is your specialty, if its not chatting?"

His eyebrows scrunched and  it was as if he was actually considering an answer but didnt feel the need to voice it.

"Well u can speak Spanish"

"-or was it Italian?"

Kill me. Why did I bring that up?

What if he thinks im a creep for remembering a minuscule interaction that wasnt even towards me from three weeks ago?

"Im not weird, I promise. I just have a great memory." I held out my pinky above the table, "pinky promise"

He, as i should've known, did not intertwine his pinky with mine and simply stared at my hand, which left me to awkwardly retract it and mumble a 'anyways'.

Like yes, my hand is pretty cute, with my pearlescent newly done nails and adornments of rings and a charm bracelet, but gosh. Where's the human decency to help a girl out and just pinky promise back?

I was quiet for 2 seconds before opening my mouth again,

"Actually i lied"

His brows lifted,

"I have terrible memory, probably worse than a goldfish"

And if that wasn't enough information, i decided to let the rest spew out aswell,

"I'll go into my room for something, get distracted, forget completely, n remember hours later"

Hiss eyes flickered with an unreadable expression,


His posture changed, as he stacked his plates and pushed his chair back slightly.

He looked at me and stated "gotta go" in an awfully monotone voice.

"Oh okay cool."

I was surprised for some reason, when ofcourse this man wouldn't stay forever. 

"Well, will i see you again?"

A look of resignation surfaced his face as he scratched at the back of his neck,

"Hopefully not"

"Minus the not, then i agree"

He squinted his eyes at me before taking his leave, and If that action had a  definition it'd be save me from this girl.

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