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Third person but focused on Leo:

Leo and ishan entered the bustling cafe, the 'ding' of the bell dissipating into thin nothingness within the choir of mismatched voices. Ishan left his side, murmuring something about getting them both a drink, and disappeared of into the masses leaving Leo to rock on the heels of his dress shoes. Unnecessary social interaction had never been his thing. Well, not for a few years anyways, and that became increasingly evident with every passing second spent awkwardly waiting for ish's return.

It was only when a familiar flurry of dark brown hair came into view, her signature light pink ribbon tied into a neat bow catching his eye, did the tension accumulating within him start to dissolve. Along with it dissolved any thoughts, his mind now jumbled as Samantha's sweet perfume overtook his senses.

She finally turned, a tray of small cupcakes in hand, and her nose crinkled as her eyes flitted across his face. 

"Oh, its you" she grimaced, but a teasing tone was weaved into the words.

Leo rolled his eyes, "Ugh not you again."

She grinned at that, "thankyou for coming."

"Let's be clear, I was forced against my will"

"Let's be clear, you; a however year old man, who could squish someone between your arms, was forced?"

She held out the tray for him from which, after careful deliberation, Leo picked one that had been intricately decorated with small yellow flowers.

"Mhm, exactly" he nodded along, trying to ignore the comment about his arms, and focusing on peeling that wrapper off the cupcake.

"That's just a cover for you really wanting to see me again, isn't it?"

He paused for a second, thinking about his reply. 

Maybe it was something in the air, or maybe it was the sugar that gave him the confidence, but regardless he replied,

 "That theory is highly plausible."

And she smiled at that, the action illuminating the cafe in a way that all the worlds light switches could never.

Liyana placed the tray down on a nearby table before beginning to fan herself in an over exaggerated manner, "Well gosh, I might just swoon"

He kept his steady gaze on her for a few seconds before saying, "well go on then, im waiting."

She did an extravagant swoon, her hand coming to rest on her forehead in a dazed way before stumbling towards him.

"woah there" he murmured lowly, quickly reaching out to place his hands on her arms in attempt to steady her, 

"well gee, what are you doing as a barista when acting is clearly your true calling?"

But something about the whole interaction felt so real in a way that made Leo's head spin and heart beat slightly faster. He was usually a good reader of other peoples feelings and gauging where he stood in a conversation. However, everything about the pretty, witty girl that stood in front of him immediately disarmed him, leaving him unsure and utterly confused.

"I decided to be charitable and give other actors a chance, y'know ?"

"Ahhh makes sense"

They lapsed into a couple seconds of comfortable silence, his eyes taking in the details of the marvel which was Liyana Bluemell. From the way she sighed happily as she took a bite of her cupcake, to the glitter that lined the bottom of her eyes, to the the frilly, love heart print socks that peeked out from her shoes which she kept tapping together.

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