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Kinda a filler, the next one will be cute cute for sure <3 


"look be straight with me, do you like this girl?"

I sighed as Ishan asked me the same question reworded for the hundredth time, "no"


My voice came out exasperated at his ridiculous answer, "You cant ask me something and then reject my answer" 

"Well I just did, so now what?"

"Look you go and have fun, I'll pass."

"She wants you there" he said, wiggling his eyebrows in a jagged movement that was nothing like the smooth move he intended. 

"Nah, she would've given every customer that same speil" 

And though i tried to ignore it, i really did wish that wasn't true. Some part of me hoped that she actually wanted to see me, and i was worried that part was my heart.

"Cmon man, please"

"Im not going, end of."

The note of finality in my tone achieved nothing as i was indeed going.

Ishan, to some may look to be the softer funny one of the two of us, but persuasion was his specialty. And by 'persuasion', I mean he annoyed me until I relented and begun to get ready simply to shut him up.

He was committed, thats for sure.

I threaded my arms through the holes of my corduroy jacket, so it sits pretty oversized on my form in what i hope is casual enough to not seem try hard. I clasped a silver chain around my neck, the cool metal making me almost shiver, before slipping on two rings as an adornment for my hands. I ran them through my hair, in order to fluff it up slightly before making my way to the door mat where my trainers sat. Having put them on, tucking the shoelaces inside, I sat on the bottom step in wait for Ish. 

Though I do not want to attend tonight, I still value punctuality. Something my dear friend still hasn't grasped throughout his time here on earth.

The car journey was spent sitting through relentless questioning on the details of me and Samantha. 

Another thing he hasn't a grasp on;  the fact that there is no me and Samantha.

She is her. Samantha, the pretty, friendly neighbourhood barista.  

And I was me.

Like two parallel lines that had no chance of any real connection, instead just running alongside each other. 

That was us.

adoredTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon