Chapter Five: The Impossible

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"Believe me it's just how I like it," Austin says with a smile and takes another sip of the coffee I made him.

I was relieved that he liked it when I'd been working on the perfect coffee ever since I woke up this morning. Well not really.

I first had to take Pat outside in the backyard to do his business and feed him. I know Austin said I didn't have to worry about the mornings but I didn't want to have Pat wait until he woke up so I just did it since I'm already up.

And I didn't want to wake him and disturb his sleep. I'm sure he was exhausted last night from working all day yesterday. But golly did Austin look great in his bed sound asleep.

Don't get me wrong I didn't just go into his bedroom to see what he looks like when sleeping. That's creepy, blame it on the puppy. Pat was barking and howling for attention so I was forced to go into Austin's bedroom and let him out of the kennel.

I still can't believe he didn't wake up to Pat's barks when they share the room.

"Well then would you like your breakfast?" I return the smile, and once he gives a nod I open the oven and take out a warm plate of egg bacon toast sandwich then place it in front of him on the counter.

"Please enjoy I'm going to head upstairs to get changed and ready for the day," I say and then jog up the stairs to my room.

I close the door and change out of the crop top and shorts that I wore to bed, and slip on a nude skirt that rests above the knees and a white t-shirt that I tuck in.

Then heading to the bathroom I take out the messy bun and brush out my hair.

"She's right here. Anny your friend called."

I look at Austin through the mirror as he has his arm extended out with my phone in his hand.

"Set it down there and can you put it on speaker?" I say smiling. He does just that and taps the speaker button for me.

"Thank You."

"You're welcome." He says then walks off giving me privacy to talk with Lottie.

"What's up?" I ask, having no idea why she has called me in the morning.

"I was going to ask who this guy you were going to spend your Saturday night with instead of at the party but now that the hottie Austin answered instead of you, I feel like you just said it because of the adorable puppy your watching or maybe it could be because of hottie Austin?" Lottie then giggles mischievously.

My hand drops to the countertop and my mouth wide open. How could she say that as if she knew all along about my feeling for Austin?

"Why-why do you think that?"

"Girl, don't play with me, I've seen the way you looked at him for years just today I've put the pieces together though." She says and then Carries on by saying. "If he's the one you want, girl act smart, and don't be idiotic by not using protection."

"But I don't know if he likes me?" I say with a frown.

"Well, only one way to find out, kiss him if he gets angry and kicks you out of his house he likely doesn't like you back but if he accepts your kiss he may like you, or simply a reaction."

So what she means is that I can be turned down even if he kisses me or not. I don't think that's a good idea.

I don't want to ruin what we have right now over a kiss.

"No, I can't do that it would only hurt my dad's feelings," I say.

"Well it's your choice to make just don't do anything stupid if you do."

Why was she being so supportive I expected her to be at least disappointed in my choices of men. Austin is after all twenty-one years older than me old enough to be my own dad literally.

But I just can't help but feel this strong attraction toward him. I want my first kiss to be from him and I want to lose my virginity to him. But there's a fifty-fifty chance that could happen, and Lottie's way of finding out just doesn't seem right.

But I just can't go up to him and ask if he likes me romantically, that would be too awkward especially if his answer was a no so I have no other choice but to do as she says.

"I'm gonna do it even if it can leave me in tears in the end." I breathe out combing back my hair into a tight ponytail.

"Ok and if it works what are you going to do, sleep with him? Girl if that's your plan I don't think it would be a good idea to tell him of your innocence."

"Why what's wrong with being a virgin?" I ask feeling a little offended.

"Nothing is wrong with it it's just that you don't know how he would act, he may not want to take it from you unless he's the type that doesn't care but you shouldn't say anything about it."

Ok, she's right if I want it to happen then I shouldn't say anything about it.

Though wouldn't he catch on? He knows I've never had any boys over at home or that I've never gone to any sort of parties.

That's just a dead giveaway. Let's just hope he doesn't think about it.

I finish up in the bathroom then head back downstairs taking my phone off the speaker in case Lottie says something she shouldn't have for Austin to hear.

And since I've already eaten I set myself on the couch laying across, being sure my skirt keeps me covered then I switch on the tv.

"Do you plan to do anything fun today? I'm stuck here doing dog sitting."

"It's the weekend isn't hottie Austin gonna be home all day, isn't that why you're going to get in his pants tonight? Isn't that why you won't go with me tonight?"

"Stop with the questions that's not why I'm not going." I almost raise my voice. "And stop calling him hot."

"Why? are you jealous?" She lets out a laugh.

"I'm not I just don't like it."

"Why not that's the nickname I made for him and I think it suits him well."

"Pick something else to call him," I say.

After about an hour of talking on the phone with Lottie, we hang up, and taking my eyes off the tv I peek over at Austin who's scrolling through his phone seated on a stool leaning on the countertop.

He may be having his back turned on me but it's one heck of a view with those broad shoulders flexing each time he moves.


I sit up straight my eyes wide. Did he know I was watching him? Or am I being delusional?

"What do you want to do?"

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