Chapter Bonus Sixteen: Emotions Of Family

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January. Four years later.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you." Everyone sings along to Pamela for her fourth birthday. She's full of smiles and giggles looking at her daddy who's clapping his hands to the music. "Happy birthday dear Pamela, happy birthday to you!" Everyone ends it with cheers and clapping.

"Quick make a wish babe," Lottie says just when Bart wraps an arm around her pressing her against him.

Pamela smacks her hands flat against each other closing her eyes to make a wish. Once she's done with her wish she blows out her pink candles. Then she looks up with a wide-toothed smile. "Can I have cake now Mommy?" She asks.

"Yes of course but let's have daddy cut the cake first."

"Okay!" She exaggerates tilting her head. "Daddy, can you cut, please?"

Austin nods and walks off into the kitchen. Then Lottie moves to my side in a heartbeat. I know what she's going to say and my response is still going to be no. I know I should change that but I just haven't gotten the right chance to.

"So have you told him yet?" Lottie raises a brow in question.

I shake my head. "No, not yet-"

"Why not?!" She raises her voice a bit too loudly catching everyone's attention. "Sorry." She apologizes immediately.

And I move us away from family and continue what I was about to say. "Because I haven't found the right time to tell him. Austin is busy with work and..."

"And what?" Silence falls between us until Lottie comes up with something to say but before she can speak a word Austin walks back in with a knife to cut the cake.

"Forget it you're not even supposed to know about it," I say and head back to the table next to Austin and Pamela who are immediately speaking about rainbows to one another. I lean into his ear to whisper. "I have something important to tell you tonight."

"Is everything okay?" He looks up from the cake and into my eyes. His free hand goes to the center of my back in a soothing way washing all my worry away.

A smile forms on my lips. "Everything is perfectly okay. It's our daughter's fourth birthday for goodness sake." A laugh bursts out of me. And a soft chuckle erupts in his throat and he pulls me closer to sit on his knee making my dress rise higher up. His arm wraps around my waist and the palm of his hand glides smoothly over my thigh where my dress once covered.

"Pam, do you want this piece? If so please go get your plate."

Pamela hurries out of her chair to grab a plate from the other table across the room and returns just as fast with the plate held out in front of her ready to receive her piece of chocolate cake.

And once everyone has gotten a piece and taken a seat at the table. Conversations flew left and right between one another while I and Austin just sat in silence to listen.

Austin pulls out his phone to check the time. And I let out a silent sign of disappointment. Right, he has work tonight. Ever since he changed his hours for me and our daughter I hardly see him at night other than the weekends.

I'm starting to think the universe doesn't want me to spend alone time with my husband besides the two-week days. But this is urgent it can't wait any longer so I need him tonight.


Oh gosh, this wasn't supposed to happen. I was to wait till everyone left and got him alone after Pamela fell asleep. But I can't lie this is great we haven't had any alone time like this in quite some time. The only problem is that he makes my mind go blank. I can't forget it I have to tell him-soon.

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