Chapter Thirteen: Rumor Has It

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Ever since I got to school all eyes were on me students were either quiet or whispering to their friend's ears. And I have a feeling it's all because of Becky's big mouth after seeing Austin and I kiss.

How news runs fast in this school is crazy.

"Hey, why is everyone looking at us?" Lottie asks in a whisper watching everyone in the halls.

"Yesterday Becky and her friends saw me kiss Austin in the parking lot, I have a feeling this is why everyone is looking at us."

"Why would you do that I thought you two weren't going public about your relationship."

I shrug. "I don't know."

"Ask him, ask him if you two are going to be public about it before it gets out of hand at school and spreads to their parents and their friends and so on." She takes my phone out of my back pocket and puts it in my hands. "Jeez you're having a baby together you ain't hiding that child forever."

I nod and standing by my locker I lean on it and text Austin.

-Are we in a relationship without a care of what anyone thinks from now on?

After pressing send me and Lottie wait for him to respond. But after about five minutes we had to forget about it and head to class.

I can't get upset about him not responding quickly as I want him to. He is at work probably busying himself with taking notes and reading emails or whatever he does. But my hormones weren't exactly screwed right meaning I was an emotional wreck. There would be days I'd be in a cycle of being angry sad and happy in just a few minutes.

This is something Austin deals with quite a bit and fixes the problem since he is most the blame.

I'm like a ticking bomb ready to explode with all sorts of emotions that are uncontrollable. And at the moment I can't help but feel a bit irritated with him.

I take a seat next to Lottie just as the room fills up with many more students and wait for lecture to begin.

But the longer I wait the more people talked and talked some even talking behind my back-quite literally saying stuff like.

Rumor has it that Angel was caught kissing an older guy yesterday in the school lot. I thought she was lesbian. What would anyone see in her? She probably sleeps with him for money. She's not even that pretty. Her skills are probably sloppy too. A whore. Slut. Gold digger.

"Hey," Lottie said twisting her back in her seat and looking at the gossipers in the back, especially the one who started it. "Why don't you shut your mouths before I tell the whole school that you are a fake who makes out with Jennifer's boyfriend in the janitors closet-oops already did." She put her hand over her mouth like she's shocked herself by speaking out loud. Lottie turns around with a mischievous grin.

The girls in the back then began to make a fuss over who was wrong and who was right.

My eyes full of tears blurring my vision where I only see very little of Lottie's navy blue jacket I say. "Thank you." And lean my head on her shoulder and a single tear runs down the side of my nose and drops onto her sleeve.

"Austin said I could come here and overcome it all but I don't think I can. I've never been in the center of the school gossip before-I'm going to throw up oh my gosh." I quickly leave my seat and leave the lecture hall and dart for the bathroom stall.

Swinging an empty one open I kneel by the bowl of the toilet and flush out my stomach that once was a small breakfast burrito.

The stall door pushes open and a hand rubs my back.

How comforting it was it was still embarrassing for anyone to see me like this whether it be Lottie Austin or some student I was not okay.

I throw up whatever was left in my system and grab a hand full of toilet paper and whip my mouth.

"You good now?" Lottie asks then helps me stand back up on my two feet.

"I'm scared as crap right now. I want to prove to dad that I can do this thing at school and fend for myself on my own but the more I tell myself the less I believe I can't because I've always had him to rely on throughout my whole life but now-"

"Do you want this everything Austin, the baby, your own apartment, your free will of living?"

Tears trickle down my cheeks as I nod in response.

I want it all but most importantly I want Austin and I to be a family with our baby. Not living separately but as a true family that lives with each other.

"I want to marry him but he still hadn't asked me yet which I've been pretty patient about it till recently and now I'm thinking maybe he doesn't want to get married-oh what do I do." I go and kneel with a whine when a slight knock of pain hits my lower back and circles around my abdomen. I go and stand back up but when I do I feel light-headed.

I lay in bed with my eye closed holding back the tears that burn my eyes. Afraid to see their faces and afraid for my baby's life.

The sound of shoes smacking a tile floor at what seemed to be in some sort of rush. The sounds scramble in my ears along with a shakey breath.

"My-what happened?" Austin asks with worry in his voice.

"We're not sure yet we haven't gotten any feedback from the doctor-we were in the restroom and suddenly she fainted."

"What was she doing before that? She seemed fine this morning when we were-were moving out her stuff."

"Austin sit down your starting to irritate me with your pacing." Dad finally speaks up after a while.

"Can't you share some empathy here this is your daughter for goodness sake? I'm currently scared for Anny and my baby's well-being, is that so bad?" He almost shouts.

'My baby' just hearing those two words made it impossible for me to hold back any longer and a whimpering sound escapes from between my lips until I was in a full sob and my family including Lottie was circling the bed.

Dad calls for a doctor.

"Angel, are you okay are you hurting?" Lottie asks putting a hand over mine.

Austin sat on the edge of the bed by my hip and pushed back the loose strands of hair that fell over my face that are now wet with burning tears.

"I-I-I-I'm not okay," I say in a stuttering whispering mess.

I'm pulled in for a hug and my arms wrap under his shoulders as I continuously sob all over his nice shirt.

"Please don't hide what you feel from me. Talk to me so I can understand. I want to help you."


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