| REWRITE | NDRV3 x Suicidal!Reader

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so i decided to rewrite it for my own sanity's sake

the old chapter name if you wanna revisit:
<4> NDRV3 x Suicidal!F!Reader


The lights...

I moved my hands to cover my face, as I look up to what I'm about to deal with.


Of course.

Morning routine, except... It's inside of a killing game.

My room's lights automatically turned on, the bells chiming as I could hear it screaming for me to get ready (quite literally) to of the Monokubs are on whatever it's on about.

I lazily got out of bed, washes my hands, face, and stares into the mirror.


I sighed and turn off the tab, leaving my room. "Oh, (Y/N), what a coincidence!" A voice that belongs to Kokichi spoke up as I feel his arm wraps around my shoulders, making me back down a bit and trembled on my feet. "Wh-What are you doing?"

"Hehe, we got out of the room at the same time, and I was telling myself to greet so kindly to the person I see first!" He loosened his grip around me, letting me have a chance to catch some air and turned to the direction with his face.

"I guess it's really fate, (Y/N)."

That smile...

A smile as big as that...

And yet, it's just like mine.

"I'm hungry. Let's just meet up with the others." I said.

A lie.


Everything escalated rather quick today. Monokuma got killed by his own kids as soon as he gave out a motive to kill. What was it again?

First Blood's Perk.

Wouldn't anyone want that?

But of course, claiming Kaito; we did it, we killed Monokuma, therefore, we're free. And everyone else believes in his false hope. But I'm not the only one who thought otherwise, thankfully. Kaede still has some braincell left in there, and I wholeheartedly agrees with her that...

There's really no way it could end this easily.

Yet I don't mind.

Wouldn't it be so interesting to see who would die first? What if it's me? And what if the one who done it was me? Even better, what if I took my own life?

Wouldn't it be so fun for them to be so confused of why the killer didn't take the First Blood's Perk, and still stays in the shadow? And...

If they're dumb enough...



I accidentally cut my fingers.

"Are you alright?" Kirumi asked, looking at me with concern in her eyes as I look down to my bleeding hand.

"I'm fine."

"I could get you bandaged up, if you would request me to." The maid offered as I shake my head. "I wouldn't want to trouble you at all, Kirumi. Not for something as trivial as this... thank you, still."

With that said, I left the kitchen, with Kirumi wishing me well and see me off - to the door - and I returned to my beloved dorm.


|Danganronpa Character x Reader| One shotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя