<81> Nagito x Hanahaki!F!Reader

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An attempt to do Hanahaki

I've never write this thing and succeed before lmao.

(Except for the one I did with my OC but it's kinda short)
Guess who just went through Nagito's backstory again just for this lmao.

The beginning will be the childhood timeline btw.


"Nagito, Nagito!" I ran up to the boy with a flower in my hand. After hearing the news of his parent's... Passing. I knew I had to be there with him.

"(Y/N)?" The white haired boy turn around, facing my direction. Tears in his eyes, it seems like he has been mourning for a while now. "Are you... Okay?"

He didn't reply, only looked down.

"Hey... I'm sorry for what happened..." I kneed down and places a flower down, showing respect as I stand back up.

I didn't know Nagito's parents just as much as he doesn't know them himself. But losing someone in your family... Would still hurt a lot, wouldn't it? I stood closer to him and held his hand.

'It's going to be alright.'

But we both know it's not going to be anytime soon, so I refused to speak.


"How about you move in with my family, Nagito?" I asked, catching his attention. "Huh...?" "I-I mean, you told me you never had any relatives so... You'd be alone after this, right? Why don't you just move in with me, mom and dad?"



I couldn't hear the rest.

But he then let go of my hand and walked off to another direction. I didn't want to go after him.

But all I know was...

I never saw him since.

—— —  —   —

"You'll do great, honey." My mom smiled at me as she fixes my bowtie, getting me ready for school. "Mom, I can do it myself..." I sighed and stands straight up, trying to be quick so I could just get to my new school.

Hope's Peak Academy...

Everyone's dream school.

And now I've been able to enter with my special talent. Hah, those kids from middle school will have to open their mouths so wide when they see me in this uniform! They'll regret bullying me so bad.

After my proud speech in my head, my mom has finally finished fixing my outfit. "Love you mom, wish me luck!"

I said and ran out the door, proudly starting my walk to school.

After a while, I made it there,

"Woo! Hope's Peak!" Standing in front of the school gate, I have some determined look in my eyes. Until I feel a tap on my shoulders, making me turn around.

"Hello, are you a first year student?" An oddly familiar voice asked, followed by a skinny pale boy, and fluffy marshmallow hair.


"Yeah, I am." I answered dully as I inspect the person in front of me more closely. "I'm from class 78th, you must be my upperclassman (senpai)..?"

"Haha, yeah. May I ask what's your name? Sorry if a trash like me isn't allowed to question, but I just wanted to know." The white haired man asked. "Oh- No problem. I'm... (Y/N)."


He widened his eyes for a second before putting his smile back up again. "(Y/N)... What a beautiful name." "And um... May I know your name, senpai?"

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