Chapter 5

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Liam POV

Sienna was a kind woman. She worked at my company for a year now, and she was very good at her job. She was reliable and responsible. I could count on her to do what she needed to do.

I noticed that Sienna liked my brother about six months ago. They started talking and going out for coffee every morning before work. I could tell that Ezra liked her too, but I didn’t know why he never made a move. We never really talked about that. Not that I didn’t want to, it just never came up.

Then we found our Lucy and everything else seemed irrelevant. She became the center of our world, and none of us could give a shit about anything or anyone else.

When things with Jack and Brian calmed down a little, I told Ezra to go for it and ask her out. He was getting ready to do just that, but she beat him to it. I was happy for them. Sienna was good for my brother. I could see that she cared about him, and that was all that mattered to me. I wanted my little brother to be happy.

I liked Sienna, but a part of me felt the need to warn her, just like Theo and Noah did. I had to be the grownup, but sometimes I wanted to act just like my little brothers. Theo was a lot like me, but I was able to hide it better than he did.

If she hurt my baby…

“I am sorry about them.” Ezra said to Sienna as soon as we walked into my office.

Matt left to go to a party. Theo, Noah, and Lucy wanted to watch a movie. The rest of us decided to go to my office for another drink.

I sat down at my desk and watched as grandpa opened the liquor cabinet.

“It’s okay, Ezra.” Sienna said. “I’m not offended. I do have a question, though.”

“You can ask me anything.” Ezra said.

I watched as grandpa took a bottle of whiskey and poured it into the glasses.

“Are Theo and Noah going to therapy?” Sienna asked, making me look from my grandpa to her.

“No.” Ezra responded.

“Why?” Sienna asked, furrowing her eyebrows. “I think that they should go.”

“That’s just your opinion.” I said, trying to contain my anger.

She had no right to talk about Theo and Noah. She had no right to give her opinion on them or their behavior.

“I can’t be the only one who sees that the way they are behaving around Lucy isn’t healthy.” Sienna said, looking at me wide-eyed. “It would be an understatement to say that they are overprotective.”

I tightened my jaw and looked at Ezra. My eyes told him everything he needed to know. He had to stop her from talking about our family before I did.

He took a deep breath and gave me a small nod.

“We are dealing with it, Sienna.” Ezra said softly. “Don’t worry.”

I looked at Sienna and narrowed my eyes. I could tell that she wanted to argue further, but she just took a deep breath and looked at me.

“I’m sorry if I overstepped.” she said.

“You did.” I said as I took the glass from my grandpa. “Theo and Noah are my kids. I decide what’s best for them.”

“I’m sorry, Liam.” Sienna said quietly, looking down at her hands.

“You didn’t do anything wrong, Sienna.” Ezra said softly as he placed a hand on her back.

Well, that was debatable.

I glanced at Dylan and Carter. They were looking at Sienna with narrowed eyes. They didn’t like what she had said either. My uncle and my grandpa had neutral expressions on their faces.

They probably agreed with Sienna. They’ve been trying to talk me into taking Theo and Noah to therapy. I couldn’t explain to them that I couldn’t force them to go. I did manage to convince them to talk to Nate, but they didn’t want to talk to anyone else, and I wasn’t going to force them to. I talked about it with Nate, and he said that forcing them could only make things worse.

I wasn’t going to make things worse for my kids. I wasn’t going to hurt them.

“Lucy seems nice.” Sienna spoke after a few moments of silence.

“She is.” Ezra said immediately as a huge smile spread across his face. “She is an amazing young girl.”

“You love her a lot, don’t you?” Sienna asked quietly as she looked up at all of us.

“We adore her.” Dylan spoke for the first time. “She is the most important person to all of us.”

“She comes first.” I added. “Always.”

Sienna glanced at Ezra, and I could see a hint of worry in her eyes. She hid it with a small smile.

“It’s amazing to see the love you have for her.” Sienna said. “She deserves it after everything she’s been through.”

I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw. I didn’t like it when someone mentioned what happened. I was still angry as fuck, and I still wanted to rip Jack and Brian to fucking pieces.

I poured the whiskey down my throat and stood up.

I needed to go see my kids.

“Where are you going?” my uncle asked me.

“To check on Lucy and the boys.” I said as I walked to the door.

I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. I could see Ezra looking at me worriedly as I closed the door behind myself.

He had nothing to worry about. I wasn’t angry. Well, maybe I was a little bit annoyed, but I wasn’t angry. I just needed to see my kids.

I walked to Lucy’s room and slowly opened the door.

Theo, Noah, and Lucy were lying on Lucy’s bed. Theo and Lucy were asleep.  Noah was lying in the middle. Lucy and Theo were sleeping with their heads leaning on Noah’s shoulders. Noah was watching something on the TV. He looked at me as I entered the room.

“Hey.” he said quietly, giving me a small smile.

“Hey.” I smiled back as I approached the bed.

“Is everything okay?” Noah asked me quietly.

I nodded. “Of course. I just wanted to see you.

I sat down next to Theo and leaned in to kiss his temple. He stirred a little and made himself more comfortable.

“Did Sienna leave?” Noah asked me.

“No.” I said as I looked up at him. “She is in my office with the rest of our family.”

Noah nodded and looked down at Theo.

“Did you like her?” I asked Noah as I ran my fingers through Theo’s hair.

“She seems okay.” Noah sighed. “I don’t trust her yet. If she hurts Lucy...”

“She won’t.” I interrupted him. “I won’t let her. We won’t let her.”

Noah studied my face for a second before he nodded and gave me a small smile. He turned his head and kissed the top of Lucy’s head.

I smiled, stood up, and walked around the bed so I could kiss my baby too. I sat down next to Lucy, leaned in, and kissed her cheek gently.

I looked up at Noah and smiled at him.

“I love you, Smiley.” I said softly.

“I love you too, Liam.” Noah said, smiling at me.

I looked back down at Lucy and kissed her temple before standing up.

“I should go back.” I said. “Good night, Noah. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Good night, Liam.” Noah said as he leaned his head on Theo’s.

I smiled at the sight before me and started walking out of Lucy’s room. I glanced at my siblings one more time before I closed the door and started walking back to my office.

I felt a lot better after seeing them. I needed it. I wasn’t sure why exactly, but I needed to see them.

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