Chapter 10

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Theo POV

“Will you stop frowning?” Noah sighed as we were walking toward the kitchen.

“I just don’t understand why she has to be here again.” I sighed. “Two nights in a row? Really? It’s not like Ezra is going to marry her.”

“Lower your voice.” Noah said quietly. “And you don’t know that he won’t marry her. Maybe he will.”

I rolled my eyes at my brother. I didn’t want Sienna to become a part of our family. She wasn’t that bad, but I still didn’t like her. Something was off with her. I didn’t know what exactly, but something wasn’t right.

“I don’t really like her.” I mumbled quietly.

“You don’t like her because she messed up a little.” Noah said, raising an eyebrow at me.

“She messed up a lot.” I said angrily.

“She didn’t know, Theo.” Noah sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, I am as pissed about it as you are, but I’m sure that it wasn’t on purpose. Anyone could have made the same mistake.”

Noah was right. It was a word anyone could have used. Nobody knew what it meant to us. Nobody knew what it meant to Lucy. Anyone could have used it. Anyone could have said it.

But being aware of that still didn’t help my anger.

Lucy was the most important person in my life. She was my light. She was the only one who could take the anger away. She was my world. How could I just forgive someone for hurting her? Even if it wasn’t intentional.

Noah and I walked into the kitchen only to see Ezra and Sienna making out.

“Get a room.” I sighed, rolling my eyes.

Ezra and Sienna stopped kissing. She blushed a little and looked at her feet.

Noah snorted, and Ezra rolled his eyes back at me.

“How many times did I witness you kissing girls in this house?” Ezra said as he stepped away from Sienna.

He picked up the tray from the kitchen island and walked to the table.

He made lasagna. Thank fuck. I wasn’t in the mood for one of his healthy dinners.

“You witnessed a lot more.” I said as I sat down at the table.

One time, Ezra walked in on me just as I started to unbutton a girl’s pants. He was furious. I was angry because he interrupted me.

“Don’t remind me.” Ezra sighed.

Sienna sat down at the table and gave me a small smile. I tried to smile back, but I just couldn’t. The best I could do was not to glare at her.

“Where is Liam?” Noah asked as soon as Ezra sat down.

“He is changing his clothes.” Ezra said. “He will be here in a minute.”

“Where is Lucy?” Sienna asked softly.

“She was showering.” I said. “She will be here soon.”

Sienna nodded and looked down at her plate.

I was just about to dig into my food when we heard footsteps approaching the kitchen.

I looked up and saw Lucy and Liam walking in together. Liam’s arm was wrapped around Lucy’s shoulder, and he was smiling at her.

She looked a little bit tired. Was it because of her period? Was she in pain?

“Hey, honey.” Ezra said as soon as he saw her.

He stood up and approached Lucy and Liam. He pulled her into a tight hug.

“I missed you.” Ezra mumbled as he kissed the top of her head.

“I missed you too, Bear.” Lucy said softly.

Ezra smiled and let her go. Lucy approached Noah and me and sat in her seat between the two of us.

I put some lasagna on her plate. I made sure to give her a big piece. She didn’t eat much at school, so she needed to eat now.

“I won’t be able to eat all of that, Theo.” she said quietly.

“Is something wrong, love?” Liam asked her worriedly.

Lucy looked up at him and shook her head. “I’m just a little bit nauseous, that’s all.”

“Why, honey?” Ezra asked with a hint of panic in his voice.

“I should get my period soon.” Lucy said. “It’s because of that. Nothing is wrong.”

Ezra glanced at Liam. Both of them had a worried look on their faces.

“If it doesn’t pass, we will call Nate.” Liam told her.

Lucy nodded and picked up her fork.

“Don’t force yourself, honey.” Ezra said softly. “Just eat as much as you can.”

Lucy looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

I placed my arm over her shoulders, pulled her closer to me, and kissed her temple.

I didn’t like it when she was sick. I didn’t like it at all. I was hoping that she would get better soon.


Lucy POV

I was trying so hard not to think about the note in my backpack.

I was trying so hard to forget the words written inside.

We miss you, doll. We will get you back. You belong to us.

My stomach kept twisting and turning. I was sure that I was going to throw up.

It was a prank. It had to be a prank.

I was ready to tell my brothers about it, but seeing the worried look on Sienna’s face as she was staring at Ezra, made me reconsider.

If it was a prank, I would worry them for nothing. Ezra would only get worse. He probably wouldn’t sleep. I couldn’t do that to him.

It was a prank. It was only a prank.

I managed to eat a small portion of the lasagna, and I could see the worried looks on my brothers’ faces. I kept smiling at them, hoping that it would reassure them.
I was okay. I would be okay.

It was hard to remain calm, though. I just needed a few minutes to myself. I needed to take a deep breath and convince myself that everything would be okay.

“Would it be okay if I went to my room?” I asked quietly. “I would like to lay down a bit.”

“Of course, love.” Liam said softly. “Call us if you need anything, okay?”

Both Theo and Noah wrapped their arms around me. Noah kissed my cheek, and Theo ran his fingers through my hair.

“I will come check on you later, honey.” Ezra said, giving me a small smile.

I smiled back at him and gave him a small nod.

Theo and Noah moved their arms, so I could stand up.

“Goodbye, Sienna.” I said, giving her a warm smile. “I hope to see you soon.”

“I think that you will see me a lot more from now on.” Sienna said, taking Ezra’s hand in hers.

Ezra smiled brightly, and it made my heart grow. I needed to make sure that he stayed happy like this. I needed to make sure that he was okay.

I smiled at both of them and turned around to leave.

I could barely breathe in there. I could barely hold the panic in.

It was a prank. It had to be a prank.

I was just about to start climbing the stairs when a hand stopped me gently. I turned around and saw Sienna smiling at me.

“I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you.” she said quietly. “I can tell that you had a hard day, but you are handling it yourself. You are doing a great job.”

I felt a mixture of emotions. The most intense ones were fear, panic, and happiness.

I was happy because Sienna was proud of me. I was happy because I helped my brother by dealing with my problem alone. I was scared because I didn’t know what to do next.

My only hope was that the note was a prank. I hoped that it was a one-time thing.

“Thank you, Sienna.” I said softly.

She pulled me into a hug, and I wrapped my arms around her.

“Go rest, Lucy.” Sienna said softly. “Ezra is worried about you. You need to get better.”

I let her go and smiled at her.

I would get better. Ezra wouldn’t have a reason to worry.

I walked upstairs and into my room.

I closed the door and looked at my backpack.

I needed to read the note again. I needed to make sure that it was only a prank.

I rushed to my backpack, opened it, and pulled out the note.

My stomach turned when I saw the familiar word at the top of the page.

Hello, doll.

It was a prank. It was only a prank.

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