Chapter 58

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Liam POV

I slammed the door shut and looked at the bitch in front of me.

"Hello, Sienna." I said, smirking at her terrified face.

She was tied up to a chair, waiting for me to punish her for almost taking Lucy away from me.

She glanced from me to the rest of my family.

"Are you comfortable?" I asked, tilting my head and faking concern. "We have a long day ahead of us. It will be a while until you are allowed to get out of that chair."

I could see the bitch shiver, and it made me smile.

"Why am I here?" she asked, looking from me to Ezra. "You can’t keep me here."

Ezra chuckled darkly.

"Of course we can." he said. "Money can buy a lot of things, Sienna. It can buy silence. It can buy time. It can buy a lot of useful stuff."

"This knife is one of those stuff." Dylan mumbled, grabbing the knife from the table and showing it to her.

Her eyes widened.

"You can’t do this!" she screamed. "You will go to jail!"

All of us chuckled.

"They know where you are, Sienna." I said. "We bought their silence."

Her eyes widened even more.

"What are you going to do to me?" she mumbled, looking at Ezra.

She gulped and clenched her fists.

"You can’t let them hurt me, Ezra." she said. "You love me. You can’t let them do this!"

Ezra laughed, shaking his head.

"Wrong." he said. "I used to love you. I stopped when you tried to take my sister from me. I started to hate you when you almost killed her."

The anger inside me exploded.

The image of my baby’s heart stopping came into my mind, and I almost punched Sienna right then.

I didn't, though. I had a plan, and I was going to stick to it.

"So she didn’t die?" Sienna asked.

I saw fucking red.

"Thankfully, no." I said, making her look back at me. "If she did, you would already be fucking dead. Your body parts would be all over the fucking floor."

I saw her gulp. I saw fear in her eyes. It made me so fucking happy.

I walked closer to her. I could see the fear in her eyes increasing.

"I am not here as a brother, Sienna." I said as I stopped in front of her and put my hands in my pockets. "I am here as a very pissed off father."

She kept her wide eyes on me.

"You tried to take my child away from me." I said, gritting my teeth. "First, you tried to alienate her. You told her to be more independent. You told her not to come to us when she had a problem."

"I…" she spoke, but I interrupted her.

"Don’t interrupt me while I’m talking, Sienna." I said. "It’s rude."

She tightened her jaw.

"Then you and your stupid brother tried to take her from us but ended up hurting her friend." I sighed. "For the record, I love Riley, and I will be punishing you for that too."

We thought about including Ethan in our little revenge, but we decided not to. He was still too fucking young to get his hands dirty like this.

"I didn’t…" she spoke, making me sigh and look up at Dylan.

He approached her and grabbed a fistful of her hair, tilting her head back. He placed a knife under her neck and bent down.

"What did my cousin say about interrupting him?" Dylan asked her.

Her eyes widened even more. Her breathing picked up.

"I like you better when you are silent." I told her.

She gulped and glanced at Dylan.

"After that, you tried to kill my child." I continued, making her look back at me. "You shot her in front of my eyes. I watched her bleed. I was there when her heart stopped in the ambulance. Do you have any idea what you've put me through?"

She kept staring at me, but she didn’t speak. She was too scared to.

"I watched my child’s heart stop." I said, trying to ignore the heartbreak. "I thought that I had lost her. I thought that she had died. Do you have any fucking idea what I am about to do to you?"

She took a sharp breath, and a tear fell on her cheek.

"Tears won’t help you now, Sienna." Ezra sighed. "There is no need to cry."

She looked at him and sobbed.

"I am sorry." she cried out.

"No, you are not." my grandpa sighed. "If you had any fucking compassion, you would have never shot a little girl."

"I wasn’t trying to shoot her." Sienna said, glancing at me.

"She threw herself in front of him." my uncle said. "You had to see her running toward Liam. You could have stopped. You chose not to."

Sienna tightened her jaw but remained silent.

Dylan moved the knife from her neck, making her sigh in relief.

"Don’t be so relieved, bitch." Matt said angrily. "We haven’t even started yet."

Sienna looked at him, making him smirk at her.

"Are you even sorry?" Ezra asked. "Are you sorry that you almost killed her?"

Sienna looked at Ezra, but she stayed silent.

"That’s a stupid question, Ezra." Carter said. "Of course she isn’t sorry."

"The only reason she may be glad that Lucy isn’t dead is because she will get less jail time." I said, making Sienna look back at me.

The expression on her face told me that I was right. I fucking knew it.

"I have another reason why you should be glad." Dylan said, placing the knife back under her neck.

Sienna gasped quietly and looked down at the knife in Dylan’s hands.

"If Lucy died, so would you." Dylan said. "Now you get to rot in jail for the rest of your life."

Sienna shivered, making me smirk.

I would enjoy hearing her scream. I would enjoy hurting her.

I wasn’t the nice Liam Ferri right now. I wasn’t the gentle big brother right now.

I was a pissed-off father. I was a man who wanted revenge on the woman who almost killed his little girl and destroyed his family. I was a cold-blooded man who was going to show this bitch what happened if you messed with his family.

"I’m tired of talking." I said, reaching into my back pocket and pulling out a knife. "It’s time to work."

I smirked at the bitch and took a step closer.

She took a sharp breath and looked behind me.

"Ezra!" she screamed. "Help me! Please!"

Ezra laughed.

"You should have known this would happen to you, Sienna." Ezra said. "This is what happens when you touch our sister."

I lowered my knife and made the first of many cuts on her skin.

Her scream made me smile.

I was looking forward to the rest of the day with her.

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