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"You didn't strike me as a jealous person" I said as I entered Sam's office. Luckily Mei had to leave early so I didn't even have to find an excuse for not going home with her.

"Hello to you too" she said confusedly, shifting her gaze from her laptop to me.

"That look you gave to Mei. This morning" I walked towards her chair.

"Oh. Yeah, that was fun" she moved to allow me to sit in my usual, by then, spot.

"Not really. I thought I was gonna blackout or something. Anyway, you're making her paranoid" I eased into her lap.

"Am I now?"

"She thinks you hate her, when you're just jealous because you know she kissed your girlfriend" I teased her. "Far before we were even together, I should add"

"Someone has an attitude today, huh?" she tilted her head. "But I'm not jealous. Don't be ridiculous"

"You don't sound so convinced" I laughed. I just liked to occasionally purposely piss her off because I liked it when she got moderately annoyed at me, and she probably knew it.

"Well, I know you're crushing too hard on me to cheat with her anyway"

"I have a point" I blushed at her confidence.

"I know I do" she lifted my chin with her index finger, briefly smirked and kissed me.

We only had another full day together, since I was going to leave for the holidays two days after.

It supposedly was going to snow the following day so I'd convinced Sam to go to Central Park to enjoy it. And I really appreciated her accepting it since she usually disliked both the cold weather and touristy spots.

I also usually got cold really easily, but I'd got used to dressing with an almost excessive amount of layers to stay warm.

"You look like you're going skiing" Sam laughed as we met before leaving.

"Look, I don't wanna get cold!"

"This was your idea" she observed.

"And I'm sure you'll love it" I said, getting on my tiptoes to kiss the tip of her nose.

She'd insisted on going by car, even though it literally would take the same amount of time with the subway because of the traffic. I admired her patience.

It'd been snowing during the night so the city was already covered, but it'd started again right when we were leaving, creating the perfect atmosphere.

"Okay, you're right. It's really pretty out here" Sam said, as we finally approached the main entrance. Hundreds of people had had our same idea.

"Right? This atmosphere is stunning!" I excitedly said, grabbing her glove clovered hand.

"You're so cute" she laughed, pressing a kiss on my cheek. "What do you wanna do?"

"Can we just walk through the park romantically watching the snow as it falls for now?"

"Sure" she chuckled, jokingly shaking her head.

Every spot was full of families with children, couples on dates, or just people enjoying the snow. Sam had the patience to watch me as I took maybe too many pictures and videos in every part of the park, also convincing her to be in a few shots. I was sad I couldn't really share them anywhere, though.

"Oh my god, we need to get hot cocoa from there" I pointed to a wooden stand with people waiting for their turn in front of it.

"I'm sure another kind of drink would be better for queueing with all of those people" she mumbled, probably not realizing what she'd just said.

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