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After two weeks of working in the place I already felt like I'd been there for a much longer time. I'd forgotten how satisfying it felt to make drinks for people and see them appreciate it. Maybe it was also because the great majority of clients were college students, so it made me somewhat feel validated by my peers. And knowing I was getting paid for it felt even better.

I was a bit scared that it would take too much of the time I'd otherwise spend studying or with Sam, but I figured out that fifteen hours a week was easily balanceable with all of that.

I'd also been getting along really well with Sarah, Maya and Andrew, the other barista in the place who mostly worked on weekends.

I had the privilege of already being added to their group chat, and the girls had invited me out with them the next Saturday evening. I started to wonder how basically everyone I'd met in New York could be so sociable. Not that I minded, but I just wasn't used to it.

Mei had visited me while I was working a few times and seemed to have sparked a certain interest for Sarah. She thought I didn't realize that asking me who was working with me to decide whether to come or not was suspicious behavior.

And I still couldn't really figure out if being happy about her most likely 'moving on' from me made me a bad person. Both Vic and Sam told me it didn't, even if Sam was probably quite biased. I trusted Vic, though.

"Just enjoy your evening without having an existential crisis, El" she scoffed while on the phone with me. She'd called when I was at Sam's place, who didn't seem to mind if I answered. She was getting ready for a work dinner she had to attend that evening, anyway.

"I agree" my girlfriend said from another room, overhearing my call because of my habit of putting Vic on speaker without thinking about it first.

"See? Your girl also agrees. And her job is to teach people things, so she knows better" she said, causing Sam to loudly laugh. "Don't stress about it" she reassured me.

"I hate you" I also laughed.

"No you don't"

"Yeah, I don't"

"You just hate my honesty"

"I do. But I need it sometimes" I admitted.

"You're welcome" I could imagine her proud look just by hearing her voice tone.

"Thanks, I guess" I sighed. "I gotta go now. Hear from you tomorrow?"

"For sure. Bye El, have fun. And stop worrying so much"

"Bye Vic" I chuckled as the call ended.

I got up from the couch I was lying on and walked to Sam's room, to see what she was up to.

"Your friend is funny, you know?" she said, shifting her gaze from her lined up collection of high heel shoes to me.

"I know, I love her so much" I giggled, walking next to her.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready to go out?" she asked, picking a pair of shoes to wear.

"Yes. But I really don't wanna go out if it's not without you" I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Baby. Don't be silly, of course you do"

"Being surrounded by people without you by my side makes me sad"

I was slightly exaggerating just because I kind of wanted her attention, but I wasn't lying.

"Well, I think I'll survive one evening alone. And I'm sure you will too. Plus, you'll be with your friends" she cupped my cheek.

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